The Banquet of Treachery(7)

Strong spiritual inscriptions made the guests fearful, as Jun Wu Xie was a dead person in their eyes! 

Everyone knew that although the Young Master's powers were considered top amongst those of the same age range, but truthfully speaking, compared to Yan Wan's powers, the disparity was like night and day. It would be impossible for him to even deflect two attacks. 

However, just as everyone placed a death sentence on Jun Wu Xie, her gaze simply swept past Yan Wan's spiritual inscription as something appeared in her eyes. It was not fear, but instead a type of…. Ridicule. 

That's right!

That actually saw mocking laughter from Jun Wu Xie's eyes. 

They couldn't believe their eyes!

Had the Young Master gone insane? He dared to laugh at Yan Wan's spiritual inscriptions? Did he not know how powerful the spiritual inscriptions were!