The Soul World (2)

The strange and familiar excitement began to palpitate as it spread from the bottom of his heart. Jun Wu Yao had to forcibly suppress that out of control feeling. Until Jun Wu Xie had completed her transformation to a Spiritual Body, then he could wake her up. 

Once Jun Wu Xie woke up, Jun Wu Yao then took her and entered the Soul World. 

The feeling of passing through the gates of the Soul World and Spirit World were not dissimilar, Jun Wu Xie did not feel any strangeness upon stepping into the Soul World. 

But, after fully stepping into the Soul World, everything in front of her made Jun Wu Xie realised that apart from her, everything else in that spiritual world was completely unfamiliar. 

It was a paradise covered in blue and green, the azure-blue sky, the white clouds blossoming, and looking at it, the next day hanging high. 

The soil under their feet was soft and real, and the surrounding air was filled with the fragrance of vegetation.