Breaking the Seal (2)

Meng Qiu had not once left the Soul World, but he also knew that to possess a Ring Spirit, it was only in the Lower and Middle Realms. According to rumours, he learned that the people in the Lower and Middle Realm only possessed one Ring Spirit in their lifetimes. 

When Jun Wu Xie summoned Blood Velvet, Meng Qiu thought that Blood Velvet was Jun Wu Xie's only Ring Spirit, but he did not think that with one move, Jun Wu Xie actually had six Ring Spirits! 

And these were all very powerful Plant Spirits! 

Maybe because the Spirit Tree itself was a Plant Spirit, so the Plant Spirits born from the Spirit Tree were stronger than the spirits of other races. Fortunately, the character of Plant Spirits was happy and calm, choosing to ignore what was around them. They just wanted to find a quiet place to grow, almost not moving for thousands of years.