The Soul Sacrificing Event (2)

Jun Wu Yao looked at Jun Wu Xie, "We're not the souls of this world."

Jun Wu Xie was enlightened.

Jun Wu Yao reached out his hand and wrapped Jun Wu Xie around his arms, "Let's go now."

The speed of the light that was spreading across the Soul World was too fast. If they continued to let it be, the entire Soul World would be annihilated. Jun Wu Yao wasn't afraid of being sacrificed. In the past, he just didn't like the feeling of being used by someone, but now, he definitely wouldn't allow the plan of the Upper Realm to be carried out successfully.

It was all just because… 

He was no longer the only otherworldly soul in the Three Realms. Once the Soul Sacrificing Event was held successfully, Jun Wu Xie too, would be sacrificed!

Not even wanting to waste a second of time, Jun Wu Yao immediately flew towards the summit of the Soul Mountain while carrying Jun Wu Xie in his arms!