The Soul Sacrificing Event (4)

"What?" Yan Xi slightly widened her eyes, that snivelling soldier reported about the strength of Jun Wu Xie and Jun Wu Yao. 

Yan Xi's face suddenly turned hideous to the extreme. She thought that the one who could bypass the Soul Sacrificing Event and rush to Soul Mountain would be only Jun Wu Yao. True, Jun Wu Yao was very powerful, but his strength was sealed with a strong spell, also with his own power, tens of thousands of enemy soldiers couldn't possibly force him into retreat, but it was not difficult to temporarily delay the pace of his offensive attack.

But no one expected that with the arrival of Jun Wu Yao, wasn't just him alone!

From what the soldier said, Yan Xi learned that there was not only a strong and intrepid woman with Jun Wu Yao but she also possessed a number of powerful Wood Spirits!