Not Even A Drop Will Be Given (3)

Xu Zu stood still at his own place in stunned, as if someone had poured a pail of cold water onto him, it felt so cold that every single pore on his body shrank.

After giving out the commitment, Jun Wu Xie left without even looking back, leaving those dumbfounded people from the Long Xuan City who hadn't been able to restore their calmness since then alone in the main hall.

Everyone did not expect that there was actually this one day where the inferior Sea Spirit City would release such a brave and militant utterance.

"Everyone, please?" While forcing himself to hold back the laughter, in a pretentiously elegant manner, Fan Zhuo gestured them to leave.

Face greened, Xu Zu pursed his lips so hard that blood drained from his lips. He gave Fan Zhuo a deadly stare before he left the place together with his people from the Long Xuan City.

However, the astonishment was still inside them, not being able to subside.