The Unfathomable Elixir(4)

In less than five minutes, Xu Zu has already completed the sedimentation that originally took fifty years. This amazing effect really made the two men on the side look stunned. At this moment, the feeling they had towards Xu Zu was no longer as simple as envy and jealousy.

After seeing the effect of this elixir with their own eyes, they really wished they could take the medicine one step earlier!

However, Xu Zu didn't have time to feel the joy after the increase in strength. He was drenched with sweat. After the growth of spiritual strength was calm, he seemed to be recovering from a serious illness, with a red face, sitting on the ground and gasping with his mouth wide open.

The scorching heat that pervaded him almost made him burnt out of his mind and the veins in his whole body were sore as if they had been pulled vigorously.

Of course ...

Under intense discomfort, he had no time to feel how powerful he had become ...