To counter floods with weirs(2)

Ruan Zhongshan's agenda was very obvious. He did all of this just to show some 'goodwill' to Jun Wu Xie. If it was changed to any other City Lords of Sea Spirit City, to be able to receive praises by the City Lord of Long Xuan City, they would have already agreed in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, the person Ruan Zhongshan met was Jun Wu Xie ...

Jun Wu Xie watched Ruan Zhongshan and Xu Zu perform the good cop bad cop routine without any changes in her expression.

After Ruan Zhongshan finally finished speaking, Jun Wu Xie then said, "Have you finished all that you wanted to say?"

Ruan Zhongshan was stunned momentarily. Jun Wu Xie's response was a little too calm and it was completely different from his imagination.