Dark Clouds Looming(3)

The words of the Heaven Fiend City Lord calmed Nangong Yan down slightly. White Night City recently had constant movement, and if Nangong Lie moved the troops in a fit of anger, White Night City might find a chance to attack them. If so, it would be really difficult to defend against them. 

"Do you think that this was done by Bai Zhu? He has always been silent. Is he in cahoots with the little bastard from Sea Spirit City to purposely scheme against us?" Nangong Yan frowned.

Bai Zhu was the City Lord of White Night City, and was famous for being a smiling tiger among the 72 cities. He was best at hurting people while keeping himself safe. It wasn't without reason that Nangong Lie thought so. 

After all, he would never believe that a city like Sea Spirit City could eat up their Five City Coalition army. It was really hard for him to accept.