Trembling moment (2)

"Who is next?" Jun Wu Xie's cold eyes glanced over the fearing army. Those eyes obviously had no feelings, but whoever her gaze landed on, that person felt as though they had been doused in ice cold water and started trembling.

The generals of the 72 cities had never felt so nervous before. The clamor and sarcasm just before them, at this moment, was like an ice blade that has scratched their hearts, spreading throughout the whole body with a touch of tingling and deep bone coldness.

Suddenly, a horse neighed and broke the silence at this moment. A general's saddle horse seemed to feel its master's panic and became restless.

"What are you afraid of! He's all on his own! Our army has two million, why do you fear?" He hollered out loudly.

"All of you, all together now and kill ..."

Of course, his roaring voice came to an abrupt end.

A light suddenly flashed towards him, as fast as lightning, rendered everyone around him unable to react.