Scaring Millions (1)

On the same day, Jun Wu Xie released Nangong Lie after her victory in the Middle Realm. She wanted Nangong Lie to convey the important message to the Upper Realm so that Luo Qingcheng would bring Ye Jue to the Lower Realm, to the extent of even using the soul bone as a bait. 

Of course, when Luo Qingcheng took two strong men and an army along to the Lower Realm to fight, he also took the Ye Jue with her.

But till now, Luo Qingcheng did not return nor did she convey any more news. Everyone knew that she was afraid and she had already lost. There was always a detail that was ignored by Nangong Lie, and that was the whereabouts of Ye Jue!

The purpose of Jun Wu Xie's words that day was clearly about Ye Jue. Luo Qingcheng was defeated which meant that Ye Jue was freed.

Nangong Lie looked at Jun Wu Yao's face from the side and his blood suddenly rushed fervently.