Guests With Hidden Intentions (4)

Jun Wu Xie walked slowly into the hall, there was no enthusiasm on her cold face as she walked to the main seat and sat down. She nodded slightly to acknowledge Duan Qi and the other ladies but didn't say much else. 

The Sacred Maidens immediately looked at Jun Wu Xie who remained seated, every pair of eyes looked at her from top to toe in a seemingly impolite manner. 

Han Shu, in particular, scoured every inch of Jun Wu Xie. After glancing back and forth a few times, she secretly sneered.

It was just a little brat who hadn't grown up yet. 

Duan Qi's opinion was different from those women. She had also observed Jun Wu Xie, but she was less concerned with her appearance. Based on appearance, 'Yan Hai's' looks could not be compared to the handsomeness of Bai Zhu; as he was still young and not yet matured with a teenager's posture. 

But all these did not dispel Duan Qi's attention to Jun Wu Xie.