Beginning of chaos (2)

Jun Wu Xie's doubts didn't last for a long time. Next day morning, Duan Qi went over again.

"Can Aunt Duan still get used to it?" Jun Wu Xie sat on the main seat, feeling relaxed and easy.

Duan Qi didn't know if what she said yesterday had been heard by Jun Wu Xie. She sullenly said, "Everything is very good."

"That's good." Jun Wu Xie said calmly.

Duan Qi observed Jun Wu Xie. From the way Jun Wu Xie responded to the 72 cities, Duan Qi knew that this man was broad-minded and not narrow like the others. He was attacked by the 72 cities alliance yet there was no hatred at all. The indifference was not so much the tolerance of Jun Wu Xie. Or rather, from the beginning, he had not even taken the 72 cities as his opponents.

After all, with the strength of Jun Wu Xie, the 72 cities fight hard to battle. They still gained no benefit.