Seriously want to marry ? (1)

At the banquet, Duan Qi and Elder Yun had a fright. What they most expected now was that Jun Gu came earlier to marry Han Zi Fei, so that Jun Wu Xie could find her own maiden. Or else, having such a big beauty around like Han Zi Fei, the other maidens were not comparable to her at all.

Where did Han Shu still have the mood to eat? Her pair of eyes were either looking at Jun Wu Xie with affection or staring at Han Zi Fei with her teeth gritted. This woman was really confused and did not know what to do. She mostly kept her head down and said nothing.

Jun Wu Xie had no other thoughts at the moment. She was tangled in the question of "how to convince Han Zi Fei to give up Jun Gu".

Only Han Zi Fei was full of smiles, enjoying wine and food, and from time to time she glanced at her confused little girl.

By the end of the banquet, the farce was finally over.