Seriously want to marry ? (3)

Jun Wu Xie nodded again. When Han Zi Fei left, Jun Wu Xie didn't know that Jun Gu was the Knight of Destruction. She didn't know that Han Zi Fei knew all this. But now it seemed that Han Zi Fei knew it all along ...

Han Zi Fei looked at Jun Wu Xie, who suddenly became extremely honest. She couldn't help laughing again.

"I remember you said that your mother had died a long time ago. Now that your father is alone, he can't marry anymore? Or do you not like me?" Han Zi Fei looked at Jun Wu Xie seriously.

Jun Wu Xie was silent again ...

She couldn't accept it instinctively. The fact that her father remarried. In Jun Wu Xie's understanding of love, the concept was of one lifetime between two people. She couldn't accept any new beginnings. Even if it was her ... in this world, no matter how good a man can be, she could not accept it once again.