Love at First Sight (2)

Jun Gu walked into the main hall and smiled, "I am Jun Gu, pleased to meet everyone here at the Sacred Maiden Tribe.

Duan Qi stood up immediately with a diligent smile on her face. But her heart was a little flustered and she couldn't help but wondered if Jun Gu had heard the conversation between Yan Xi and Han Zi Fei? At this moment, she could not help complaining about Yan Xi's big mouth. No man would be willing to marry a snobbish woman. What Yan Xi said just now, it seemed to intentionally force Han Zi Fei to answer and let Jun Gu 'inadvertently' hear it.

"Lord Jun Gu is too polite. Since the Lord is here, it is better to take a seat first." Duan Qi said from her seat and walked up to meet Jun Gu in person, but observing Jun Gu's reaction at the same time.

Deeply afraid of Yan Xi's move that would make Jun Gu had some dissatisfaction with Han Zi Fei.