Family of Three (3)

When Jun Wu Xie had prepared everything, she looked up and saw Jun Wu Yao standing by the window. A beam of moonlight seeped through the slightly opened window and stretched his shadow alongside.

"You're here?" Jun Wu Xie looked at Jun Wu Yao in surprise.

Jun Wu Yao chuckled and stepped forward, pinching the tip of her nose.

"You've forgotten about me when you saw your father. If I didn't show up, did you forget that I came with you today?"

Jun Wu Xie opened her mouth. But in the end failed to say anything to refute.

What he said was really true ...

Before the banquet, Jun Wu Yao had already discussed with Jun Wu Xie that he would be hiding in the shadows. But after meeting Jun Gu, the only thoughts left in her mind were to save Jun Gu. Jun Wu Yao's existence was completely forgotten and if he didn't show himself, I'm afraid she would really forget it.