Father-in-law (2)

"Ye Jue, I know you are capable. But if you dare to bully Little Wu Xie in the future, I will make sure you pay for it!" Jun Gu took a deep breath and looked at Jun Wu Yao sternly. .

Jun Wu Yao didn't have a smile on his face and looked at Jun Gu seriously: "Please rest assured that I will not break her heart in this life, my father-in-law and mother-in-law, ."

With that said, his hand on Jun Wu Xie's shoulder tightened.

Jun Gu just nodded with satisfaction. Although he didn't want his daughter to marry so early, it had already happened. He heard of Ye Jue's conduct before so he also knew that this person was hard to find and never bowed down to anyone. Since he made this promise, it would be sincere.

"Well, I think Ye Jue is true to Little Wu Xie. This is not the time to worry about it. Please rest assured." Han Zi Fei witnessed Jun Wu Yao's love for Jun Wu Xie on the island. Of course, it was to bless the couple.