Family (1)

When Jun Wu Xie returned to her residence, she had no time to rest in his room. She had been blocked by Qiao Chu. Jun Wu Xie saw Han Zi Fei and Jun Gu sitting in the pavilion with Jun Wu Yao between them. She realised that Qiao Chu already knew what they had done at the banquet today.

"Little Xie, you are so unkind. You didn't inform us that you found your parents! Are we still brothers!" Qiao Chu stared at Jun Wu Xie, and hummed angrily.

Jun Wu Xie couldn't help smiling. These days, she was busy trying to find a way to deal with the things in front of her. She forgot to share her joy with her friends. Her eyes slowly turned to Jun Gu and Han Zi Fei. A warmth of happiness emerged.

Her parents ...

That's nice.