The Approaching Enemy (1)

Jun Wu Xie glanced at Elder Luo and said nothing.


Elder Yun, however, was satisfied with Jun Wu Xie's answer.

The main purpose of inviting Jun Wu Xie was to conceive the next generation with one of the tribe's women. After Yan Xi caught Jun Wu Xie's eye, Elder Yun naturally hoped that Jun Wu Xie could 'get along' with Yan Xi more often so that they could get a new Sacred Maiden as soon as possible. 


Seeing Jun Wu Xie didn't seem to intend to change her mind, Elder Luo did not say anything more, except to give a brief explanation about the essentials of cultivation to Jun Wu Xie, and was pulled aside by Elder Yun.

"I wondered what kind of distinguished guest that had brought Elder Yun here personally. This time, Elder Duan has good foresight. This kid has such a great opportunity at his young age. It is really good luck." Elder Luo glanced at Jun Wu Xie from afar, the emotion in her eyes was difficult to pinpoint.