Bloody Provocations (3)

Jun Wu Xie was still sympathetic to Bai Mo's tragic experience, while on the street, Bai Mo and Nangong Lie were facing each other measure for measure. 

"Ah, by the way, I heard that you seem to have colluded with one of the City Lords from the 72 cities right? How sad it that? As one of the top ten exponents, you are standing with the people of the 72 cities. You've really lost face as one of the top ten exponents." Bai Mo smiled as he said this. His immature face was extraordinarily innocent because of that smile, but the killing intent in his eyes made it impossible for him to be treated as a harmless child. 

Nangong Lie's face turned even more ugly. The news of his cooperation with Jun Wu Xie was passed on, whether intentionally or unintentionally, by the people of the 72 cities, and it had made his reputation among the top ten exponents dropped significantly.