Descending Into Danger (3)

Jun Wu Xie found Jun Gu's residence quickly after following the instructions mentioned in Jun Gu's message. It was heavily guarded, but for her and Jun Wu Yao, it was as simple as entering a deserted area. In no time at all, Jun Wu Xie and Jun Wu Yao entered the house.

Being a Knight of Destruction, Jun Gu's residence in the Sacred City was very spacious.

Jun Wu Xie and Jun Wu Yao saw the figures of their parents in the courtyard. 

"Father, mother." When Jun Wu Xie saw her parents, her expression softened greatly. 

Han Zi Fei, who had been living in Sacred City for a while, dropped all nobility when she saw Jun Wu Xie and stretched her arms out to embrace her daughter. 

Jun Gu looked on with a smile and shook his head, his eyes met Jun Wu Yao's, with whom he had a tacit understanding and both their eyes were filled with affection for their respective wives.