Anger (2)

Time passed by swiftly and Jun Wu Xie finally stopped. Most of the injuries on Hua Yao and Fan Zhuo's bodies had been dealt with. Their lives were no longer in danger as Jun Wu Xie's hands finally stopped. Turning her head, her eyes fell on the figure who was seated three steps away. A man whose entire face was covered in bandages.

The bandage on the man's face had little spots of blood seeping through and it was clear that the injuries on his face were not light. Jun Wu Xie could only recognize who it was from his silhouette.

Fei Yan….

Jun Wu Xie's heart tightened. She stepped forward immediately as she raised her hands and wanted to remove the bandage.

But just when Jun Wu Xie's hand had just tugged the end of the bandage, Fei Yan who was sitting there all the time in a daze, suddenly reached out and grabbed Jun Wu Xie's wrist!

That dirty hand was holding onto her tightly, as if holding on to his last life-saving straw.