Come Out and Die! (4)

In the entire arena, Long Yao was the only person who saw what Jun Wu Xie did. But he never imagined that she would make a beeline straight to him! 

Long Yao was shocked, could it be that Jun Wu Xie was so filled with hate that she would strike directly at him? 

Just as Long Yao raised his spiritual power to prepare, Jun Wu XIe bypassed him completely and made her way into the back room!

There was a loud sound and the door of the back room was kicked open by Jun Wu Xie. The force propelled Bai Zhu, who had been hiding behind the door, into the air and he fell heavily on the hard floor. 

Bai Zhu had no idea what was going on, he only felt a massive pain in his head, aches all over his body and his vision went blurry.

However, the other people in the room saw everything as clear as crystal.

Jun Wu Xie stood at the doorway, the iciness from her demeanour felt like it could freeze the blood in their veins!