Soul Transfer (2)

Before Rong Ruo had time to digest this, the lady had put him on the table and started carving a new puppet.

Rong Ruo did not know how to describe that experience, the feeling he got, when his soul was being forced into an unknown shell, was one of sheer hopelessness.

In Su Ruiying's hands, he was like a puppet with no autonomy. Everything was subject to Su Ruiying's will. If Su Ruiying did not give the puppet the power to lift the seal, he could not move.

What was even more frightening was that as a puppet, he could still see, hear and process everything around him, he just could not move at all.

Rong Ruo did not know what was going on but was not willing to be Su Ruiying's plaything. So when she was testing the puppets, he resisted and as a result, got sliced in the face by a knife and thrown into the fire.

It was at that moment that Rong Ruo understood how it felt like to have one's soul tortured.