You Have Returned (1)

Jun Wu Xie and Jun Wu Yao quickly returned to the place arranged by Nangong Lie.

In the room, Hua Yao and Fan Zhuo could already get out of bed and walk around. Although movement was still a bit difficult, they looked much better. Bai Mo and Qiao Chu were kept busy, brewing the medicine on the side. Only Fei Yan was sitting alone in a chair motionless.

Hua Yao and Fan Zhuo had already absorbed the new Spirit Rings. During the acclimation period, Qiao Chu and Fei Yan had absorbed them even faster and although they had obviously gained their strength, there was no smile on anyone's face.

When Jun Wu Xie returned to the room and saw that scene, her heart constricted.

Since what happened to Rong Ruo, how long has it been since this group of people laughed? She could not remember.