
The Gods' Paradise.

Two years had passed since that man appeared and Jun Wu Xie was observing the Three Realms through the God mirror, happy that balance had been restored and the people were happy. She was stroking Little Black in her lap when a sphere suddenly rolled next to her leg.

She looked down at it and was stunned by what she saw.

A pair of sorrowful, pleading eyes belonging to Lord Meh Meh were looking up at Jun Wu Xie, tugging at her skirt.

Before Jun Wu Xie could understand what was going on, she spotted a fair and tender little doll walking drunkenly towards her side, as the little baby grabbed Sacrificial Blood Rabbit in a hold by its tail. The little baby opened its toothless mouth to make some babbling sounds and waved its hands at a bleating Lord Meh Meh who was seeking refuge at Jun Wu Xie's feet. 

"Meh meh meh!" Lord Meh Meh shouted in fright as the baby came closer.