Spirit Immortal

Spirit Immortal

Eastern702 Chapters5.8M Views
Author: Linodo
Table of Contents

Over a million years ago, the first human contracted with the first Spirit. Ever since then, Spirit use has become commonplace. Humans used Spirits to carry items and start fires. Eventually, even start wars. Thousands upon thousands of years past and one day, one human did the impossible. He transcended his mortality and ascended to the realm above.

In the present day, the Frie Clan was once a great clan of the Himmel empire. However, a devastating battle ten years ago crippled the clan and their numbers dwindled. To make up for their loss, the upper echelons decided to adopt young orphans and nurture them to become a future pillar of the weakened clan. Shin was one of those orphans.

Although picked up by the Frie Clan, not all is smooth sailing for Shin and the other orphans...


Tags: Action, Comedy, Romance, Fantasy, Drama, Male Lead, Tragedy.

For some reason, QI doesn't allow you guys to see my tags so here they are. Also, there is no Harem in this novel for those of you who are curious.

Chapters are released daily at UTC+8 0100 unless stated otherwise

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For additional content, visit me at: https://linodofictions.com/

140 Reviews
Translation Quality
Stability of Updates
Story Development
Character Design
World Background
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Hi there! I'm the author of Spirit Immortal. For those who are new to my novel, welcome! I hope you will enjoy reading the fiction that I have conjured up. Do be kind if you spot any mistakes in grammar, sentence structure or anything in general! I will try to answer as many questions as I can, except for speculative comments in order to prevent giving away spoilers. So please understand! **: Help like this review so that more people can see this comment!

6 years ago

Damn it’s one fantastic novel. The story is actually good and has the potential to reach atleast 500 chapters without losing the topic. Most of the originals have good start but then there is no development there. This one is definitely different and deserves a way better rank than those stupid romance and naruto recreations. Author if you are reading this please don’t give up, you have the potential to be good Webnovel writer and hope you keep continuing your good work.

6 years ago

This novel begins slow, but has a steady pace with a well thought out (and planned) story. A lot of stories have the problem that the main character gets to strong to fast. This is not one one them and the potential of the story is enourmes. In my opinion this is one of the most underrated stories on this site.

6 years ago

Terrible, terrible pacing. Although well written nothing really happens. There's too much exposition and too little story. I could last only until chap. 70 before dropping. By then, the MC is still a 10 year old kid that doesn't really do anything. There's a lot of world building and characters interaction, but they're boring and mundane. Simple things that could be described in 3 paragraphs are stretched to 3 whole chapters. The author seems to have wanted to make a harry potter meets douluo dalu but couldn't pull it of.

6 years ago

This is probably one of the harder reviews I've written. To give away the ending, Spirit Immortal comes in the the low B/high C range for me, but I'm pretty brutal with my reviews so that's actually a pretty high score for me. The difficulty comes in that the way I would score the later chapters are vastly different from how I would rate the early chapters. If I was to break it down by volumes the first two volumes score in the D range, volumes three and four are B's while volumes five and six both rate a solid A. Spirit Immortal is honestly a fairly sweeping tale set with a cultivation backdrop. I phrase it like that specifically because even though the MC is always working towards a higher cultivation, it isn't the cultivation as his goal it is instead a tool he uses to measure himself by. The main flaw is that Spirit Immortal is a Character Driven novel where the main character doesn't start with a clear goal. He goes as far to describe himself as a leaf carried by whichever way the water flows. This isn't bad but it's much harder to write in the early chapters then if you were writing a Story Driven novel, where the plot moves along because of an external factor, i.e. an enemy army is coming or you have to defeat the demon king. The comments on the early chapters highlight this indirectly, where people attack the author for useless details and pointless arcs. Reading through the whole story, these comments aren't true as you encounter a similar amount of details and varied arcs in other novels, but it's how the readers perceive the story since they are reading it 'in the moment'. What it actually is is a problem in pacing and *******. Since the motivation comes from the character but the character is still discovering the world around them it's hard to generate the appropriate feeling of ******* in order to carry the story. The way you mitigate this is with foreshadowing and switching character viewpoints in order to portray what's happening external to the MC that will move the story forward and create a sense of crisis. The ******st way for me to phrase is it that it's ok if your main character is aimless and doesn't seem to know where he's going, but you can't let your story seem that way. However this problem disappears to a large degree by the beginning of volume three, the momentum which the story has built starts to sweep up the reader. However this also means you have to read a hundred chapters in to get to juicy parts of the story, which makes it a hard novel for me to recommend. There are a lot of absolutely brilliant characters in this story, but you have to take your time to get to know them and the world they build around themselves. Since the author has stated that he isn't interested in participating in the premium program on Webnovel I'm actually going against the advice I've given to every other author here: Don't go back and rewrite your story, it *always* turns out *bad*. In this case I would actually encourage the author to hire either a Developmental Editor or a Story Coach to help revise the story and then publish it electronically himself. Alternatively just treat it as your 'first million words' and keep going.

6 years ago

It has a nice story and the plot is ok but the romance is totally trashy before you read this novel ask yourself if you like seeing the Mc being continously bullyed bruised and battered by a girl if yes then continue running me am done with it. The other characters see it as nothing and even make jokes about the Mc being continously beaten up by a girl during forced trained till he gets broken bones and bruises. They are been called a couple the Mc denies she is his gf but still sends her letters and spends more time with her

6 years ago

This is a really solid novel so far. The writing quality is great. The story, while a little confusing at first, explains itself over time. You can tell that it is well thought out and has a clear direction. The updates are godly. Maybe because it is TGIF today, but the author just released a lot of chapters. Again, if you want a good fantasy novel that is solid and unique, this is the place to be.

6 years ago

Great story😆😆read it at royalroad . Pls try to post more chapter and more quickly🤗🤗 Had been following this story from start(i.e. from release of ch 1)

6 years ago

Pushover mc that always gets bullied i hate this kind of novel Pushover mc that always gets bullied i hate this kind of novel Pushover mc that always gets bullied i hate this kind of novel Pushover mc that always gets bullied i hate this kind of novel

6 years ago

It seems that this author has taken a page from the theory that you need to kill off your characters to make adjustments to the story. If you like game of thrones which I absolutely HATE then you probably will be fine as the writing seems to be good. What we have here is a revenge-fest and the author thought it was a good idea to trigger that with the death of a main love interest as well as a family member. I personally despise all stories where the author builds up a major attachment for a particular character with the audience and then goes and kills that character for very little reason. There are many ways to change the direction of a story and this is a highly dramatic one but it also alienates a significant portion of the audience. Of course going by how popular game of thrones is I can see why so many authors are taking that approach. Overall I do not recommend this story to anyone, the reason being from my prospective if you are someone who likes reading about betrayal/tragedy revenge-fests then there is something wrong with you emotionally. I am just glad that I skimmed ahead at chapter 36 when I started thinking that this was going to be one of those stories.

5 years ago

You should remove it from "Original" this is a cheap and bad copy of Douluo Dalu You should remove it from "Original" this is a cheap and bad copy of Douluo Dalu

6 years ago

Wow it has potential but it has no action i got to ch. 80 and drop it , if you could rewrite it and made the characters more interesting and add a smidgen of action it would be the best story.

6 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

5 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

6 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

6 years ago