
Snow was falling that night, nobody was walking on the streets, everyone was praying in their houses. But, no one felt warm inside, it was because the emperor was dying.

The Great Universal Emperor was dying.

It was not because a great battle occured, not from poison, too, he would never die because of these.

It has been more than ten thousand years, he has been the emperor for ten thousand years, how could someone so great, like him, die like this?

It was unfair. He helped many people in his young days, he was a good man. Not intoxicated by power, very humble.

His only fault was his kindness. If someone says that he needed money, he would lend it. Someone is dying and needs MY help? Where is he? Show me the way!

But this is not the cause of his dying state.

Even though the majority of his wives were here just because of his power, they liked him.

In ten thousand years he helped a lot of people, including his wives. He married with them, lived with them, but never had that feeling. He cared a lot for them, would risk his life to save them, but that feeling, love, he never felt it for them.

In the start of journey, he was alone, and in the end too.

Why is he dying, you ask?

He reached the ultimate state of cultivation.

Is not it a good thing?

Yes and no.

You will be remembered for the eternity. When a child ask 'who is the strongest man?', everyone will probably say 'absolutely him, that emperor'.

It's a good thing, if you cherish honor.

This called recycle. Everything living, will die one day.

Reaching the ultimate cultivation level, he had to go to reincarnation.

Now, he would get what he wanted the most, and that is freedom.

Freedom from his people.

Freedom from secular issues.

Freedom from battles.

Freedom from his wives.

And ultimately, from cultivation.