
Anna was a normal child, she go to school, has normal friends, likes video games, like every other child in this age. But, she has a secret, since she was four, her grandfather forced her to learn magic. At start, she didn't liked it, but with the passing of time, she started to enjoy it.

She was considered a talent in this field, even some high rank magicians praised her.

Until then, she was just learning basic magic, the magic whose purpose is to help in daily life.

Her grandfather then decided that it was time to learn the other side of magic, the magic whose purpose is to kill.

He didn't want anything bad for her, it's just that she was going to be the next leader of the family, so she has to learn this type of magic, she didn't have a choice.

Her grandfather knew it was going to be hard to convince her, he didn't have a choice either.

She refused, but was forced anyway, and guess what? She was good in it too.

This time, she didn't enjoyed it, even with three years of experience. She was a gentle girl, not the angel-like type, but was not a rude and bold child, she knew her limits as a kid.

She was planning to escape, but didn't know how, with three magicians always looking after her, it was a difficult thing to do.

As she didn't have much difficulty in learning new magic, she started with the magic that would help her escape plan. Magics that boost the speed of your feet by controlling the wind, wind magic could be useful for many things, as the sound is carried by air, she could control it to make her plans easier.

For three months, she focused only in learning stealth type magic, all for the sake of escaping.

The only magic left for her to learn was the teleportation magic, but it was a high-tier magic, and she didn't have access, even if she was the daughter of the chief.

"Hey, Grandpa! Can I see the high-tier library? I've learned all the basic-tier magics in my room."

Anna's grandpa looked at her and said:

"I'm your Papa, not grandpa!"

"My father is already dead, grandpa. You don't need to act as my father, I grew up."

Papa's eyes were moist with tears:

"Oh, my precious child, you suffered a lot, didn't you?!"

Actually, Anna's Papa was not bad, he just wanted her to be safe, as he wouldn't be here forever.

As for her trying to escape, it should be because of that phase, yes, that period we all go through.


She was fourteen now, right in the stormy period.

Rebelling against your parents was a normal thing for everyone, she was not a exception.

Anna's Papa accepted her request and gave her the permission to enter the High-Tier Library.

After some days studying about the teleportation magic, she learned it.

Her objective was cleared, all she had to do was teleporting to somewhere else and everything would be okay. When she was ready to leave the library, she saw a book different from the others.

The book was red in color, the cover had a man sitting beside a waterfall. The book's name was 'Strange Phenomena of Cultivation'.

She thought it was interesting, so she was going to read it after the escaping plan.


After Anna's Papa left, he tried to remember something important that his father said to him once.

'Don't let anyone see this book, it's forbidden for everyone.'

"Which book was it? Oh, the book about cultivation, yes! Well, it's not in the library, so no need to be worried."

After a few days...

"The book is not in the library, so where is it? I tried to find it, but with no success."

Suddenly, Harry came and said:

"Boss! Little Anna is missing, I think someone kidnapped her!"

"What?! How can someone kidnap her? This place has the highest level of security, bullshit!"

Anna's Papa was going mad when he thought about something and said:

"Harry, call out those two good for nothing, I will make a Localisation Array, if she is not too far, I can locate her!"

"Understood, Boss!"

And that was why Anna wanted to escape, and she did it. Even though she learned the teleportation, she didn't mastered it, so there was flaws in it, that is why she couldn't go far with the first teleport and Harry, Harrison and Bob could almost catch her.

As for the second time, she did something to boost the teleport magic, vanishing from that country.


Back to Xander and Sophia, one was happy and the other was not too happy.

Sophia was filled with joy, seeing her body transforming like this.

Xander was not filled with joy, but he was relieved, at least he has a strong ally.

After all of it, both decided to go somewhere else, just to breath fresh air.

It was the first time Xander was walking out of his house, with the exception for that accident.

It has been one week since he came to this world, most of the time he spent on cultivation, but he had some time to study about this world, too.

He now knew that those things piercing the heavens were just buildings, those metal monsters were just technology, of course, he still didn't discovered things like anime, manga and webnovels, but who knows? Maybe he will be the first otaku cultivator.

Sophia wanted to go to the cinema, but Xander didn't know what was a 'cinema', nevertheless, he agreed with her.

Walking out of the cinema, Xander was wondering how those people were inside the wall, then he thought:

'Technology is a wonderful thing.'

While talking to each other casually, suddenly, a man shouted:

"Come back here, you little punk! You didn't pay me!"

It was the ramen shop owner running after someone.

The ramen shop owner looked at Xander ahead of him and said:

"Hey, you! Stop this little punk! She didn't pay me!"

Xander looked at Sophia, not knowing what to do, he blocked the little punk's way.

"Get out of my way!"

Hearing the thief speaking, Xander realized that it was a girl, and it seemed very young, by the voice.

"Eating without paying is not right, young girl. You shouldn't do things lik-"

Before Xander could finish, Anna extended her arms and shouted.

Light surrounded her arms, forming magical circles.

Seeing this, Sophia knew that it was magic.

"Darling! She is a magician!"