9.-Goodbye Li Manor

The next day Li Mai went to the sucursal that the Medcal Papillon had in the market and go back to the Li Manor with the money.

Mië:Miss,where are we going to go??

Li Mai: To the capital,but before we need to search some clues in the studio of Li Mo

Mië:Miss, do you need help?

Li Mai: No,thanks.Please wait in the garden I will go with you as soon as I finish.

In the studio,Li Mai found some books with accounts that doesn't match.(So this is why Li Mo want to have the crow prince like his son-in-law, I'm very sure that Li Jin and her mother don't now about this).When she was leaving she take some books from the library with her and went out to search for Mië'r.

Mië: Miss,...

Li Mai: Drink this,it will help you to cultivate.

Mië: Miss, thank you but what are we going to do when the miss family.Find out that we aren't in the Li Manor??

Li Mai: Don't worry for that with the scene that I leave them in my room.They will think that I'm dead.

Mië: Miss, but if they are in the capital maybe they will see us.

Li Mai: I have a plan for that but now we have to focus in the way?

While they were talking, they heard a scream from a carriage.

Li Mai: Wait here I will go to see what is happening

When she arrive, Li Mai saw that a gigant dragon was for eat a young lady that appears to be the daughter of a healthy family. And the dragon was talking in chinease.But the girl seems not be able to understand him.

Dragon: Why are you here? Why did you harm my friend?Answer now!!!!

Li Mai: Stop now dragon,why are you mad??

The dragon saw Li Mai with a surprised face while the girl fainted from the fear.