
The girl and Li Mai stand up

Girl: Give me the jewel.

Elde: Why?Should I do that if you fail

Girl: That isn't true I was going to take the neckace when you brought us back

Elder: Who told you,that the necklace was the heaven jewel??.I told you nothing is what it seems to be

Girl: That can't be true there wasn't any other jewel there.

Elder: GET OUT.

Girl: No, I deserve the jewel give me the jewel,now

Then the elder touch the girl and her brother and in an instant they weren't there. Then Lily appear again

Elder: Follow me girl.

Li Mai nod and the two of them follow the elder deeper in the cave,until they arrive to a waterfall that in one rock had a comb that was decorated with a beautiful loto flower that seems to be blossoming and that had a green shinning stone in the center. Li Mai had seen a lot of jewels in her past life as Miyuki but,this one was certanly the most beautiful that she had seen until now. In fact the flower was so beautiful that seems to be alive. Remmembering that she had forget the elder she saw him again

Elder: Take it,in this life the jewel will only be your in this life.

Li Mai take the comb and taking of her veil put the comb in her hair,then the jewel changed,losing all her colours. Seeing the face that Li Mai was making the elder,pat her head in a friendly way.

Elder: Don't worry,that means that the jewel has accep to you like her new owner and that will only obey you,until you die.Now kneel,so you can receive the sacred space arts.

Li Mai kneel in front of the elder with the close eyes and when he touch her head,she could feel that all the tecniques and the information was entering in her brain. But remembering her comb,she look the elder

Li Mai: How can I use this comb?

Elde: Extend your hand and try to think in a plant,that you want.It doesn't matter what,just imagine them

Li Mai,extend her hand and imagine a millemium of years gin seng. Then she feel Lily nitting her robe.

Lily: Master,look in your hand.

Li Mai was stunned for what her saw in her hand.The same plant that she imagine.

Elder: Before you leave I have a story that I would like that you heard.