33.-Getting a master??(1)

The guard arrive to de door where Li Mai was waiting and take her to see the Medical-Hall grand-master.

Guard:Grand-master, here is the youngster

Elder Ma: You can go now


Then the guard close the door leaving the Grand-master and Lu Mai alone.After he close the door Li Mai took of her veil, then she and the Elder Ma took a seat.

Elder Ma: Is good to see you again,little girl

Li Mai: Is good to see you again,too

Elder Ma: I have been waiting for your visit

Li Mai: I had to take care of some issues before, and you.How do you feel??

Elder Ma: Better thanks to you,little girl.

Li Mai: I'm glad to hear it

Elder Ma: Thank you but I'm sure that you aren't here only to ask bout my health.

Li Mai: You are right, to tell you the true I was asking me if you have some information about ancient artefacts??

Elder Ma: I think that I have,but I can't hand you that to you.

Li Mai:??

Feeling the change in the mood that filled the room the Elder Ma decided to explaine the reasons,after all he ows his life to the little girl that was in front of him.

Elder Ma: You see there is a rule in this place that doesn't allow nobody to see that information,unless you have the permission from the ancient sect leader

Li Mai: And how can I get that??

Elder Ma: You will need to win the arts martial competion that is going to come in a month

Li Mai: Competition??

Li Mai remember to had heard something about that when she was searching information but she hadn't paid attention to that matter.But since it seems to be something neccesary to get what she want, the only problem is that she only know the basic about martial arts since her family had insisited that she had to learn about selft-defence.Like guessing the thoughts that was now filling Li Mai's head,the elder Ma decided to take this oportunity to recruit her like his dissciple.

Elder Ma:Why don't you become my dissciple??? in that way it will be easier to have acesses to the information that you need,after you win the competition

Li Mai: Okay but what will I win if I become your dissciple??

Li Mai was after all a business woman in her past life and she will never do anything with out getting something in exchange, and after all she needed a kind of secure just in case that this could bring her problems.

Elder Ma: What about a special pass for the Gloss Sun Empire?

Li Mai had see that name appear in the history books that she had read when she was in the Li Manor and it seems to be a poweful kingdom that comes from centuries and that was normally closed even for some royals,because of this there wasn't a lot of information about them.But they has innovations in all the fiels most of in the cultivation and medicine field.

Li Mai: Then,we have a deal.

Elder Ma: Don't worry little girl,I promise you that you won't regret this decission. I can't wait to announce this to all the world.

Li Mai: About that I will ask you to keep this in secret

Elder Ma: Why?

Li Mai: Because I want to give a surprise to someone in special.

Seeing the evil smile that Li Mai was doing,the Elder Ma understood about what she was talking and could only pity that fool or fools for had provocate his dissciple anger. He was sure that sooner or later they will regret their decisions,but one part of him couldn't avoid to think what could have their done to his dissciple.After all she doesn't seems to be the kind of girl that will fight with all the people that she fin,the sure have done something really bad to her.