
It begins

I woke up to voices but did my best to keep my breathing even and eyes closed. "Ryder's men are crawling all over the place and I have a feeling this girl is the who he's looking for. She said something was given to her and it was something he wanted. I don't know what that is yet but if I can keep her from him then that means he can't get what he wants." Rune said to someone. "Hmm.. you're right. I will keep leading his men away for as long as I can. Can you trust this girl? I can't place her smell. What is she?" The unknown male voice said.

"I heard the small animal say human but she definitely isn't human. I plan on finding out.. though how I plan on doing just that... I will see." Rune said deep in thought. "Can you feel it?" Rune asked the other man. "I can.. what is it?" I thought they might have figured out I was awake because it was silent for so long but then Rune said in a low voice "I'm not sure.. I'm unfamiliar with it. I need to ask Lilith."

Were they talking about me? And who is Lilith? Oh no... my nose.. it itches! I can do this, I can do this... I can't do this! I give in and scratch my nose while making it look like I'm just waking up. I try to move my head only to feel extra weight. Frowning, I lift my hands and feel a warm small furry body curled up in my hair. "Fig?" I ask confused. He only rolls over so I slowly unwind him from my hair. I sit up and frown as I run my hands through my hair. It feels like a squirrel's nest...

I run my fingers through my hair as I look over to Rune. He's by himself. I guess he doesn't want us to know someone else is with him. I see his eyes go to my hair before looking away. Was that humor I saw flash in his eyes? I give him an evil look as I nudge Fig awake. He must have been exhausted taking care of me.. Grumpy never looked so cute. I smile as I stand and catch Rune watching me.

"If you were awake you should have woken us up," I said looking around.

"You and your pet seemed tired so I didn't want to wake you." He said gathering his things. "We need to get moving if we plan on making it today." He stopped walking and turned to look at Fig and I. He looked at me from head to toe with a frown. Just as I was about to question him I felt a wave of magic wash over me. I looked down and saw that not only was I in a beautiful white dress and matching flats but I was completely clean. He nodded in approval and said, "Let's go."

I stood shocked for a moment or two before I started following him with Fig by my side. "How did he..." I ask in a low voice as Fig jumps on the end of my dress and crawls up. He makes himself comfortable on my shoulder before saying "Fae have magic. He's a royal fae and an old one at that. It's nothing for him to do things like that." He says yawning. "So... can I do stuff like that?" I ask. He scrunches his little face in thought then nods his head saying. "I guess in time as your power grows you should be able to do that and more."

I nod my head hopeful. If that was the case.. shouldn't I be able to go back home? So if I could just survive long enough here I can make it back. How long would that take though... I suddenly run into what feels like a wall. I stumble back as a warm strong hand reaches out to steady me. I look up to find Rune frowning at me. He was tall... and this close up he was downright intimidating. His golden eyes were intense and searching. I took a few steps back as I touch my nose. He quickly released my arm.

"When we pass through the front gates you need to stay close to me. Only by doing that can I shield you with my aura. If not I'm afraid the ones looking for you will catch wind of you and will find you. Once we're inside I will treat you and your friend to a meal if you'd like." He said searching my face. I look at Fig and he's drooling. Heh, he's just as hungry as I am. "If you really don't mind then Fig and I will take you up on your offer," I say with a smile. Rune sees my smile and returns it with a small smirk.

"Very well. Let's go and remember to stay close." He says turning. I nod and keep pace with him. I'm only following him after the conversation I overheard with the other guy. He was doing this to keep me away from.. Ryder? I think that may be the light fae's name. I'll have to ask Fig when I get a chance. As long as he didn't plan on hurting us I didn't mind staying with him longer. It's like being chased by a fox only to run into a lion's den. I guess I will hide in the lion's den as long as he allows it.