

I caught the girl easily. I lifted her in my arms and hated that I liked the feeling. "Ren, get the animal and let's head back." Ren moved effortlessly as he scoped up the little guy named Fig. I used my magic to shift into the palace and moved to the room Ren prepared for the girl. I looked down at her sleeping face. She was so beautiful but I could tell she wasn't from here. Something wasn't adding up and I was going to get to the bottom of it.

She has something Ryder wants and I'll be damned if I let him have her. I tighten my hold as I walk into the room. I place her on the bed and move her hair out of her face. I had never seen colors like hers. What was she? Her smell was intoxicating and I found myself breathing deeper when around her. I frown at the thought and step back. I didn't like the way I was reacting to her. It was unlike me. I turn to see Ren walking in with the girl's familiar. Ren placed him next to the girl and walked out.

I only watched her for a few moments before walking away. I had things to do and watching her sleep wasn't one of them. Even if it was tempting. I found Ren waiting for me in my office. "Does Ryder know I have her?" I ask sitting down. "From what I know, yes. Keen doesn't look so good." Ren says with a smile. I smirk as I lean back. Ren and Keen aren't fond of each other and I didn't care for him either. "Have you found out what Ryder wants?" I ask pulling up my reports.

"No, I haven't. Whatever they are looking for they are being extremely tight-lipped about it." Ren says with a frown. No matter how many times I think about it.. it seems like I'm missing something. I have a feeling the only way we will find out without wasting much time is through the girl. I rub my face and try to think of how to handle her. Her magic was different and I can tell it's becoming stronger but I have a feeling she doesn't know how to use it. If that was the case.. I could make use of it.

"I want you to investigate the girl. I want to know who she is, where she came from and if you can... what she is. She's hiding something and I want to know what." I say getting up. "Yes," Ren says and shifts out of the room. Ren won't stop until he finds what he's looking for. He's good at what he does. We've been together for hundreds of years and he's one of the few I trust. I walk over to the large window overlooking a large garden as my thoughts go back to the beautiful girl sleeping a few doors down.

I will get to the bottom of this. Yes, the only reason I can't stop thinking about her is because she's a mystery. Yes. As soon as I find out all the facts I won't be curious anymore but before that... I will protect her and keep her safe. Even if she doesn't like it. I won't let Ryder have her. I growl at the thought but smile. I want to see the bastard try and take her. The sooner I kill him the better. I turn and head back to the bedroom.

I ward the windows and doors. She won't be able to leave without my permission. I look back at her pet and frown. He will be trickier. I wave my hand and a small blue collar with a tiny bell is placed around his neck. That should keep him in and I'll always know where he is. I start to leave but stop in my tracks. I turn back to look at her. She looks so peaceful and such an easy target. I frown as I think about her possibly slipping passed the wards and instantly worry.

I walk over to her and turn her head all the way to the side. I use my sharp fang to cut my finger and lower my bloody finger to her neck and draw a seal. The seal I made with my blood will allow me to find her wherever she goes. Blood seals were strong and one made by me can only be undone by me. I take a deep breath and try to ignore the odd feelings this woman stirs in me. I turn around and leave quickly. I will come back once she wakes up.