

I look back at the garden and shake my head. This was not normal. Sure I have power.. others have power but no one had the power to control nature. The ancient ones that created this world were the only ones with such a power. They've been gone for hundreds of years.. I stare at the plants and wonder what this could possibly mean. What was she becoming?

Fear crawled down my spine as I thought about what this could possibly mean. If others found out she had this ability.. No. I won't let anyone find out. I promised to keep her safe and that's what I'll do. "Ren." I quietly call and he's at my side. "Fix this..somehow. Make it as normal as possible." I say turning to look at Syn walk inside. "This..." Ren says as his eyes grow in shock. "No one can know, understand?" I ask looking at him. He nods his head in understanding as he walks away.

I run my hands through my hair as I try to figure out what other things she may know. She was hiding something from me I can feel it and I didn't like it. Maybe I could get her to loosen up tonight... I needed to know what she was doing and why she was doing it. Her familiar was even growing stronger, I could feel it. It seemed like anytime she became stronger he did as well. He was able to tell I was coming and before I could have snuck up on both of them and they wouldn't have known. I grit my teeth and prepare for tonight. I was getting the little lady drunk.


"Why don't you try the wine I prepared for you?" I ask her from across the small table. She looks at the glass then back at me like she was weighing her options. "I even prepared some for you as well Fig," I say taking a drink of wine. The two look at each other then shrug. Gotcha.. I smile and take another drink. This wine was special. It was a family blend and it made the drinker very happy and open. Without any worries. That's what I needed from her and maybe I can get the truth out of her.

After a few glasses, I ask her "So, have you been enjoying your time here?" I decide to play it safe and ease into it. "Mmhmm. Fig and I have been having a lot of fun lately." She said looking over to Fig. He was rolling around the table completely drunk. Her cheeks were red and she drank more. "I'm glad to hear that. The fun you speak about.. is what you and Fig were doing in the garden earlier?" I ask looking at her from over my glass of wine.

She giggles and the sound causes something in my stomach to clench. She was so pretty it hurt. I take another drink and try to stay focused. "Yeah, that was a lot of fun." She said smiling and draining her glass again. "Slow down a little.. there's plenty more. How did you do that?" I ask hopeful. She fills her glass again and says "I just felt the plants and poof." she says and raises her glass before taking another drink. "What else have you and Fig been doing?" I ask putting my glass down.

She looks at me and smiles. I swallow hard. She puts her finger to her full lips while smirking and says "That's a secret." I clench my teeth and work my jaw. I don't know who was in more trouble.. her or me? I take a deep breath for control as she giggles again and says "Would you like to know?" The look she was giving me was making me fight for control. "Yes.." I say slowly watching her. She drains her cup again and smiles.

She slowly gets up and sways a little and giggles but catches herself. She starts pushing things off the side of the table and crawls on top. My heart skips a beat at the look on her face as she crawls closer. "What are you.." I ask sitting straighter but she cuts me off as she giggles and says "You said you want to know the secret. Right?" She looks at me and grins. I fist my hands to keep them from touching her and say "Yes." She smiles and crawls closer.

She pushes my plate and glass off the table causing them to break. Ren walks in and I quickly wave him away. She then leans in as her colorful hair falls around her beautiful face. I can smell the wine on her lips and I fight for control. "The secret you want to know.." She leans in so close our lips are almost touching. The beast in me paces. He wants her as much as I do but I fight for control because I need her to.. to.. hell I can't even think straight as I look from her eyes to her full kissable lips.

I growl and finally snap. I lean forward and grab her behind both knees and pull her off the table and onto my lap. I wrap one arm around her slim waist as my other hand grabs her behind her neck and I pull her closer. I hear her suck in and I pause. I strain with effort not wanting to scare her as I lean back a little and look at her. She's looking at me and slowly lifts her small hands to my face. She traces my jaw and then my nose before I completely lose it. I pull her to me and kiss her.

Her lips were everything I thought they were and more. I growl and pull her closer when I feel her kissing me back. Yes, she was mine and I wasn't letting her go. I deepened the kiss and pulled her even closer. I was irritated at the clothes between us and suddenly shifted to my room. I walked over to my bed carrying her as I kissed her. She pulled away and I saw it the second she noticed we were no longer in the dining room. She froze and looked at me confused. I didn't dare breathe. She went to say something but then passed out.

I half laugh and sigh. What was I thinking? I lowered her on my bed and stepped back. I took a few breaths and tried to clear my head. I had lost control and I almost did something I would have regretted. I walk to the bathroom and wash my face with cold water and get my head straight. Jerk move Rune.. real smooth. I hit the counter and walk back to her. I was pissed. Pissed at myself and how I handled this whole thing. I gently pick her up and shift to her room and place her in bed and cover her up. I move her hair behind her ear and sigh. I was in trouble.