

I feel the lightening wash over me and I shiver. I feel like I'm falling. "Focus Syn!" Fig yells holding on for dear life. Right, focus. Home. I want to go home. Everything in me felt like it was being pulled apart and then I land.. hard. "Cough, cough... holy shit.." I say and roll to my side. Something breaks and my head jerks up to the noise. Jay is standing in my kitchen looking like he just saw... well a ghost.

"Hey... Jay. What are you doing?" I ask pulling myself up to stand. He looked like a fish. His mouth kept opening and closing but nothing was coming out. "What are you doing in my house?" I ask and walk into the kitchen to get a glass of water like I didn't just zap myself into my living room. As I approach he backs up until he hits the counters. "You... Syn?" He finally says something.

I take a few drinks and say "Yeah it's me Jay.. why are you here?" Explaining what just happened will be hard and I wouldn't have to think so hard if he had not been here. "I.. I don't know Syn. I'm here getting pictures of you for your parents because you DIED!" He was shaking. I nod and say "Right.. Are you making toast?" I ask sniffing the air. "No Syn, that's you..." Jay says looking at my hair.

Fig suddenly pops out from my hair and Jay finally loses it. He jumps back and crawls on the counter while screaming which scares me and I jump back in shock. I put my hands up and say "Jay calm down! It's me okay? I know this looks insane but I can explain everything I just need you to calm down." I stand still not wanting to freak him out anymore. "Why's he freaking out so much?" Fig ask and Jay makes a run for the front door. "Shit.."

I shift and Jay runs straight into me. We hit the floor and Jay scrambles back. "What the hell is going on Syn and you better tell me the truth!" He says angry. I sigh and tell him everything including Fig and what he was. He didn't say a word but listened to everything. After a while, we were both sitting on my living room floor staring at each other.

"So.. like aliens?" He asks looking at Fig and I. I shake my head and say "No, not really. It's magic Jay and I'm still learning about it so I don't have all the answers. I came back as soon as I could and I risked everything to get back.. please don't be scared of me. It's me, Jay. I'm still me. I just look a little different." I look at him and search his eyes. His blue eyes search mine and I see it the second he folds. He sighs and walks over pulling me into a big hug and it takes everything in me not to cry.

I help clean up the broken glass in the kitchen and ask "So everyone thinks I'm dead?" He looks and me and gives me a sad smile and says "Yeah.. I even thought you were dead. Kat and I saw the lightning hit you and then you were gone. The only things left were your phone and keys. The cops showed up and they taped the whole area off. They asked Kat and I and the others at the scene what we saw and it was all the same. They just assumed you exploded..." he said with a sad smile.

"I'm sorry.. I don't know how or why but I landed in that other world and I've been trying to get back ever since." I say as he pulls me into another hug. "You really need a shower Syn.. you smell extra crispy," he says and I laugh. I laugh for the first time in a long time and things were starting to feel right. "We need to let everyone know." Jay says and I walk to the dark window and pull the curtains all the way closed and say "Can we tell them tomorrow? I just want to shower and sleep in my own bed for one night." Jay smiles and says "You take a shower and I'll grab us a pizza with a large soda."

"A man from my own heart. Thanks, Jay.. I really mean it." I say suddenly serious. He nods and says "You may have changed your look Syn but you're still you and you will always be my family. When I get back you'll have to give me more details on these awesome superpowers you now have. Deal?" I smile and say "You've got it." He turns and leaves and Fig finally says "I didn't want to break up your sweet reunion by saying anything else but are you two going to act like I'm not here?" He jumps down from my shoulder and I smile.

"No Fig. I'm going to properly introduce you two when he gets back. It was quite a shock for him and I didn't want to overload him. I'm just glad he likes this kinda stuff. The one I'm really worried about is Kat... She probably won't handle things as well. I'm gonna take a shower so make yourself comfortable." He nods and starts checking everything out. I smile and head to my bathroom. I look at my reflection in the mirror and laugh. If I didn't laugh I'd cry. I looked like a poodle that stuck it's paw in a light socket.