
Well, That's New..

My eyes? I look at him in confusion and when he sees that I don't understand he quickly grabs me and shifts us back to his room, leaving Ren behind. He doesn't let go of my hand as he quickly leads me to the bathroom. When I walk to the mirror I'm shocked at what I see.

My multi colored eyes where completely gone and now a silver color was all that remained. The silver was unnerving on my face and I suddenly remember the conversation I had with Nexus. "Nexus.." I say in a soft voice as I reach to my eyes in wonder. I feel Rune stiffen next to me and I look at him in the mirror.

"Who is Nexus?" Rune ask in a low, dangerous voice and I quickly tell him what happened but I twist everything a bit. I didn't want him to know that Fig and I were dying.. I just didn't have it in me. I just told him I stumbled across the old guardian and agreed to help him... Hopefully he'll buy it.

He gives me a look and says "Let me get this straight.. There's an old guardian dragon.. in the fairy cave.. that can no longer leave.. so he asked you to be his eyes? And you agreed??" His eyes were heating up and I wasn't sure if it was because of worry or anger.. maybe both.

I do my best to be convincing and say "Yeah! Isn't that just too sad? To be locked in there for so long.. with no way to see the very world you had a hand in making.. Isn't that unbearable?" I ask with as much pity as I can possibly summon as I watch his face turn different colors.

He turns away from me as he runs his hands through his hair trying to calm his emotions. I watch the muscles in his arms and back flex as I think about what I'm doing. I'm sorry Rune.. I'm a coward and I don't have it in me to tell you the truth.. I can't accept the truth.. how can I expect you to?

He turns back to me and I see all the emotions running through his eyes causing my heart to flinch but I know this would be ten times harder if he knew the truth. His large warm hands gently grab my face as he says "This world is different love.. there are dangers at every turn and you can't just trust anything anyone says.. can you undo this?"

I shake my head and watch him work his jaw. He closes his eyes and places his forehead against mine as he says "Promise me you won't do anything like this again.." I close my eyes and say "I promise.." He sighs and says "I wish I could lock you in this room and never let you out so that I can keep you safe but I know... I know you would hate it. I can't lose you again.." My heart clenches at his words and the raw emotions I hear in his voice and I find myself fighting back tears.

"I'm sorry.." I really am... I will do everything in my power to find a way to fix this.. I have to. I hold Fig closer as I feel Rune wrapping his strong arms around me. I wish I could stay like this.. feeling safe and warm but I know I can't. Tonight though.. I will stay in his arms all night and soak him up as much as possible.