
Living Nightmare Part Two

I turn to find the very creature we ran into at the pit and it takes everything in me not to scream. It crawled it's way down the wall and placed itself in the door way and cocked it's head listening. I whimper and go to the only normal thing in the room.. the bed.

I crawl on top and go straight to the middle. Fig's little body was shivering so I hold him close. "What does Ryder want?" Fig ask and the Creature tilts it's head listening. I refuse to look away as I say "I'm not entirely sure Fig.. he wants me to kill Rune but I don't know if that's just it. We need to find a way out of this.." Fig nods his head but doesn't say anything.

It feels like hours have passed but I can't be sure. I watch the shadows as they watch me and I do my best to think of a plan but I have nothing. I look back down to Fig and notice him drifting in and out of sleep. "Fig?" I ask gentle nudging him and he weakly lifts his head. "I'm so tired Syn.. I'm trying so hard to stay awake but... I'm sorry."

My eyes begin to water as my mind races. Shouldn't he still be alive!? If this was some kind of spirit realm.. shouldn't he be okay!? I find his breathing becoming shorter and shorter causing me to panic. "Ryder!" I yell for him as I stumble out of the bed and nearly fall from a wave of dizziness.

Ryder is suddenly there and catches me but when I look up I'm met with that same cold stare. "Please.. he's dying! Can't you save him?" I ask completely desperate and not caring. I can't let Fig die.. I just can't! "You can save him dear." Ryder says causing my head to snap back to him.

"How? How can I save him?" I ask grabbing Ryder's black cloak. His hand closes over mine and says "Your lives are connected my dear.. if you sell your soul.. for eternal life he will live.. you both will." My hope begins to wither and I slump to the cold floor.

"You won't even sell your soul to save your friend's life? That's mighty selfish of you my dear.. what kind of friend are you? If it was me... even I would do it to save someone I care about.." He was now walking around me in a slow circle as my heart breaks. Was I being selfish? I look down to Fig and see him struggling for his next breath and I sob.

"Syn...no. He's evil and I would never want to live at the cost of your soul.. the very thing that makes you, you. We both knew this was coming so you can't blame yourself." Fig's little voice was strained and my sobbing continued. "Will you save your friend Syn?" Ryder ask with detachment and I find myself shouting "GET OUT!" he only smirks before shifting away and leaving me alone with Fig.

"Fig please.. please hold on a little longer. I'll figure something out and get us out of here. I'll find a way to fix this and we can go back to eating all your favorite foods... how does that sound?" Fig gives me a weak smile and says "I'm sorry Syn.. I will have to leave first. I promise to wait for you and then we can be together again.. I'm sorry.. I'm so tired."

My throat burns as I choke back my sobs and do my best to wipe away the tears so I can see him. "Shhh, don't apologize. You've worked hard little guy.. it's okay to sleep.. I promise I will join you.. I promise." I watch his little eyes close and his chest slowly stops moving. I hold him with shaking hands and wonder how much weight he's lost recently.

He spends all his time sleeping now that he never eats... "Fig?" ….. A sob breaks out and I quickly bite it back. "Please... I said it was okay but it's really not... you're all I have... you can't leave me.. you have so many snacks you haven't tried yet.. so many things I need to show you.. Fig!" I look down to his limp body and I finally break.

I cry like I've never cried before... he's gone.. he's really gone. I couldn't save him... I couldn't stop it.. "I'm so so so sorry... I'm sorry Fig..." I sob again and again as my heart breaks into a million pieces as I hold his little body. I gently rub his little head and whiskers as tears continue to fall. "I'm so sorry.." I rock back and forth as I hold his little body and cry out again as I feel him losing his body heat.

I don't know how long I stayed like that but when I felt something from Fig's little body I numbly look down and notice as he starts to slowly disappear. "No, no, no, no!" I try to grab at the glowing particles in a lame attempt to keep him whole but nothing I did worked. I began crying again when I no longer even had his little body left to hold. He was really gone...