

It feels so good to be wrapped in his arms I lean in closer taking a deep breath. It was still the same except for the strong smell of alcohol... that and he smelt.. yummy. I push away from him and try to put a little distance between us but his grip tightens, refusing to let go.

I hold my breath and push again.. he was by far the best smelling thing I've come across so far and I was afraid of hurting him. "Where.. how... when??" He ask in a low shaky voice and I do my best to push down the new and growing hunger I have for him. "I'm not entirely sure myself but.. I feel like we should talk about this else where."

The moment I finish my sentence I feel everything around us shift and we are in my old house. I break away from him and this time he allows it. Everything.. and I mean EVERYTHING was the exact same.. he must have stayed here.. even my plants where alive and well. I turn to him to find him watching me and I give him a small smile.

"In the very beginning the old tree had given me a seed.. I didn't know what to do with it but I knew that it was important. So I kept the seed safe and close to me and it was that very seed that saved our life." Fig takes that moment to jump from my shoulder and run to the kitchen. Probably looking for Cheetos.

"How?" Rune ask still watching me.. his entire body taunt and on edge. "Nexus.. an elder.. from the beginning of time was originally one of them but because of a few things happening he was kept away.. he never thought he'd get the chance to see his brethren again but with that seed... his power was restored and he was able to save Fig and I."

"It had just felt like a nap to me Rune.. I had no idea that two years have passed. I'm sorry.. I never meant.. I didn't know.. I can only imagine what you must have gone through." He was before me in an instant holding me again saying "Shhh it's okay.. all that matters is that you're here now.. And this time you aren't going anywhere."

His smell hits me again and I lean in closer... closing my eyes in delight. He smells so good it almost hurts. "Rune.. there's something I need to talk to you about.. something I need to talk to Leon about as well.." I feel him stiffen as he pulls back. His golden eyes search my green eyes and I see worry.

"What's wrong? Why do you keep pulling away from me.. and why do you need to look for Leon?" I can feel his worry and I try my best to squish it. "I'm sure it's nothing.. I want nothing more than to stay in your arms but something has changed.. I have changed."

His golden eyes flash and I swear I see something dangerous... he tightens his grip and says "Changed how? Why do you need to see Leon?" I look at him confused. Was he misunderstanding what I'm saying? My mind races and I find myself smiling. Was someone was jealous.. "Why? Do you not like the idea of me talking to Leon?"

He growls and I giggle.. my smile grows darker and I say "Well that's unfortunate.. I will be needing to spend a lot of time with him.. relying on him... putting my trust in him..." He snarls bearing his fangs and says "What the hell is going on Syn? You think I'm just going to sit back and let the Vampire have his way with you? Did being dead mess with your head!?"

His grip tightens on me but it's still not enough to actually hurt me and I lean forward. I stand on my toes so I'm right against his neck and take a deep breath.. I slowly bring my lips against his heated skin.. the lightest of touches and I feel him shudder. My smile grows and I say "Why yes Rune.. you are going to take me to him yourself..."