
Answers Part Two

We decided to go find Leon the next day before the sun goes down and the club comes alive again. The second we walk through the front door I see Leon leaning against the bar waiting.. he knew we'd be back. I turn to Rune and say "Can you give me some alone time with him?" He looks like he tasted something bad and says "No.. absolutely not. We will talk to him together. We're in this together."

I give him a warm smile and nod my head. I make my way over to Leon and catch myself covering my nose. He smelt good.. nearly as good as Rune. Rune sees my reaction and knew what it meant. He clenched his teeth and tried to keep his fist to himself. The damn Vampire was going to be the death of him.

Rune rolls his powerful shoulders and tries to relax. Leon notices it all and he can't keep the smile off his handsome face. "Syn..Rune. I'm so glad you're back and better than ever." Rune snorts and I roll my eyes. I look back to Rune, giving him a "look" as he looks away annoyed.

I decide to ignore Rune and turn back to Leon. "Hey Leon... it seems that the Vampire thing really did take... I seem to be experiencing things.. odd things." He gives me a dark smile and says "Everything about you is odd Synthia.. From the very first day you walked into my club I knew you were different."

He takes a sip of the very human blood and says "You shouldn't be able to walk into the daylight.. Not until many years later.. you shouldn't be able to resist humans and their blood but it seems like you have no desire for humans at all.. in fact I think it's the complete opposite.. you have a thing for the Fae.. the older.. the more powerful.. the more you desire it, right?"

I look into his dark eyes and nod. "It seems a little off.. is this normal?" Leon barks out in laughter and says "Absolutely not haha.. nothing about you is normal and I want to know why. By all rights you should be dead.. you shouldn't be half Vampire.. you should be attacking every human within a five mile radius but here you are.. perfectly "not" normal."

He walks closer and leans in taking a deep breath. "You smell even better Syn.. you shouldn't smell good to me at all anymore.." He steps closer again and we are nearly touching "Who are you.. What are you?" He ask as he lifts up his free hand to my cheek. Before his hand makes contact Rune grabs his wrist stopping him in his tracks.

Leon stares at my eyes.. never once breaking contact even as Rune pulls him back. "My apologies.. I've been around for a VERY long time and I don't come across things I don't already know about.. or hear about very often. I love to say that I know what's happening but I'm just as confused as you are... I do have some old records I can go through though."

He pulls his arm away from Rune with a smirk and says "I will have someone go and collect them and get back to you on that after reading them... In the mean time though.. we need to find out about your feedings. How often you need to eat... or if you even NEED to eat... Can you eat human food?" I nod my head thinking about the orange I had earlier.

It tasted amazing and I never got sick. "Hmmm.. seems like we will have to figure it out as we go. Maybe you should stay with me for a while so I can keep an eye on things." Leon says with a serious look. "NO! Not going to happen Vampire! You can come to my place if you need to but she says with me.." Rune says cutting in. As I turn to look at Rune I miss the dark smirk Leon gives Rune over my head further pissing off the Dark Fae.

Author's Note: (It was too long so I couldn't post it like I normally do.) -__- Hello My Lovely Readers.. As you all know I'm still in the middle of this horrible move making things very difficult for me and I'm sorry for not being able to upload more. T^T but on a side note.. I recently had a "close" Relative tell me that my writing was a waste of time.. that it doesn't put food on the table and I felt like someone tore at my heart. It hurt... It still stings and it was hard for me to pick my laptop back up. I decided that I didn't care what they thought.. My hubby is rooting for me.. My mother is rooting for me and writing brings me happiness.. and that is priceless. I was terrified to start writing.. to put a part of me out there but now that I have.. How can I just give up? Every single one of you and your amazing comments fill me with ultimate joy and that's worth fighting for. If you have a dream.. or even something you enjoy doing, no matter how small it is.. DO IT! Do it for you.. do it for your soul. (It will thank you) Fight for your dreams.. Fight for your happiness.. even when they seem impossible. I love you guys and I can't thank you enough for all the joy and support you all give me. Let's shoot for the top... it may never happen but I really want to give it a try with you guys!