
New Way Of Life

Rune had backed off some... but he still stayed close and I can't really blame him. With this new side of me, I found I was acting a bit out of character.. and a bit unstable at times. Leon snapped his long fingers in front of my face bringing me back. "Did you hear anything I just said?" Leon ask with an arched eyebrow.

I pucker my lips a bit thinking... "No.. not at all. Sorry..." Leon sighs and says "Do you feel nothing with this blood?" He holds a glass filled with human blood and I shake my head no. It wasn't appealing at all. He squints his dark eyes and brings the glass to his lips taking a drink, watching me in the process.

My nose scrunches up in distaste and he gives me a dark grin. He sets the glass down and suddenly pulls out a small blade. He slices his palm and when the smell hit me my mouth begins to water. I bite my lip and can't break my eyes away from his bleeding hand. "But you do with this... Don't you. Do you want some?"

My head snaps up to him and he gives me a dark grin. "Yes, I'm freely offering my blood to you Syn. Go ahead, you need to eat. It's been three days since you last had blood." I swallow the building drool at the smell and try to think of reasons not to drink his blood.

Nothing.. nothing comes to mind except the smell of him.. I wonder what he would taste like? This ancient and powerful Vampire... Before I realize it I'm reaching for his hand but he pulls it back a bit causing me to lean over him.

I frown and look back to him to find him watching me with dark eyes. "Do you know it's supposed to be impossible for a Vampire to drink from another Vampire.. Only master Vampires have that ability... and royals.. we call them blue bloods..." His other hand pulls me over onto his lap and before I can move away, his bleeding hand is back and my logical thoughts are gone once again.

"Are your parents your real parents Syn, or were you adopted?" Leon ask keeping his hand just out of reach causing me to become irritated. "I don't think I'm adopted.. what does this have anything to do with me eating?" I ask confused. I can't seem to think past his blood. I hear him give a dark chuckle before he says "Eat.."

I bring his hand to my mouth and moan with the flavor. It's like wine.. the older the better. I only got three good pulls before a pair of strong arms rip me away causing me to cry out in anger. "What the hell!?" I try to pull away but the arms holding me are too strong. "From now on, If she needs to eat she will eat from me do you understand Vampire?" Rune growls and I freeze.

Some of my sanity returns and I wipe at my mouth. I look back to Leon and see him watching me with a dark grin as he licks at the blood dripping down his arm. My mouth begins to water again "Shit.." I say and watch as his dark grin turns into a satisfied smile.

He knew how much I wanted his blood and it pissed me off. I try to pull away from Rune again but he wasn't letting go. I hear Rune growl once more before he shifts us to his room. He lets me go once we're in his room and I try not to look at him.