
A New Beginning

"Willow! Your brother's back!" My mother calls out to me making me smile with joy. I snap my book closed and take off running. As soon as I come around the corner, I see him. He's been gone for almost a year now and I've missed him like crazy.

Growing up, we were really all we had. He wasn't just my older brother, he was my best friend. When he sees me running to him, his handsome face lights up with a large smile as he spreads his arms out to me.

When I get just a few feet from him, I jump straight at him. He wraps me in a large hug and spins me around, causing me to break out into a happy giggle. He slowly lowers me and hugs me tight as he says "I missed you, little sprout."

I lean back and lightly punch his wide chest as I say "I haven't been a little sprout for years! I'm so glad you're back though. I thought you wouldn't be able to come back for another few months?" He chuckles and says "You'll always be a little sprout to me and that was originally the plan but I was able to come back early."

My mother and father watch both of us with a grin before my Dad says "Asher, get changed and rest. You'll have to fill me in on what happened after dinner." Asher nods to Dad and says "Sounds good."

Asher was much like Dad. Tall, dark, and handsome. He has long black hair and he even had Dad's amber-colored eyes! All the fae women practically drool and fall over when they see my brother and even though he's dated around a bit, he hasn't found "The one" like my parents.

I on the other hand was more like a mixture of both my parents. I was small like my Mom and fair-skinned like her but I had my Dad's long, straight black hair. Somehow, I ended up with a dark grey eye color that seems to change with my mood.

I'm the youngest and the "baby" but I was already over a hundred years old! They still all treated me like I was a child that needed to be protected at all cost. My brother was able to leave the castle and travel around the fae realm and even the human realm!

Me? Hah! They won't even let me leave the gardens! My only "adventures" our families know about are the fairies in the garden and sometimes sneaking away to the cave my mother told me about when I was younger. For some reason, my Mom and I are the only ones who are able to enter the cave.

It pisses my Dad and brother off to no end, but I think it's hilarious! Asher nudges my chin and says "I have a gift for you." My eyes light up in excitement as I ask "What is it?" I start patting him down, checking his pockets but he only watches me with amusement before saying "You won't find anything. It's a rune."

My face sours as I step back and say "You can keep it." He throws his head back in laughter as he says "You'll like this rune. It's said to be very old and very valuable." My Dad gives my brother a look of concern but Asher quickly waves him off and says "You know I would never give her anything dangerous."

My mother pats my Dad's chest and says "Let's give the kids some space. We'll have plenty of time to catch up at dinner." My Dad smiles in return and pats Asher's shoulder saying "I'm glad you're back son. It's good to have the family together again."

Asher nods in agreement before turning back to me with a knowing smirk. I huff out in annoyance as I say "I don't want a rune, Asher. Dad has a million." Asher shakes his head with a sly smile as he lifts his hand and says "This isn't like Dad's runes."

A soft glow appears in the middle of his palm before a strange-looking rune appears. It lightly floats in his hand as I look at it with a frown. I quickly look back up to his amber-colored eyes and ask "What is it?"

Asher's eyes twinkle as he says "I found it in one of the old temples. I found two, they came in a pair, and just to make sure it was safe, I took the other rune." My eyes widen on him before I quickly glance around us.

After making sure we were really alone, I lean in and whisper yell "Are you insane! You took a rune without knowing what it would do! Dad would kill you if he found out! That was extremely dangerous!"

He leans in and pokes the tip of my small nose with his other hand before saying "Have a little faith in your older brother. Do you want it?" My eyes wander back down to the rune before asking "What kind of rune is it?"

His smile grows as he says "A divine space with endless treasures..." My face that was filled with wonder suddenly drops as I say "Funny..." Asher chuckles and tosses the rune at me, instantly making me panic.

I lift my hand and catch the floating rune with my own magic as I glare at Asher. He gives me a knowing smile as he says "Use it or don't, it's up to you but I need a bath." He turns and walks away, leaving me standing in the room alone with the strange rune.

I look down at the odd rune with curiosity before shrugging my shoulders. If Asher used the other one, it should be fine. As soon as I accept the rune, it seeps into my skin and disappears. It will reappear on my body when it finds the perfect place.

I shiver at the feeling of old power washing over me but otherwise, it doesn't bother me. Suddenly, I hear something tapping on the window behind me. I turn around and find a solid black version of Fig. I smirk and walk over to the window before opening it with a smile "Mango! What are you doing?"