

I stare at the glass before walking over and picking it up. I walk back outside and throw the blood up into the air. I lift my free hand and freeze the blood before throwing the glass cup away. The blood appears like normal blood but let's see what's really under the surface.

The blood begins to spin faster and faster until it starts to separate. I freeze the blood again and pull the closest spot to me. I use my magic to poke and prod at the blood but nothing happens. No magic... no reaction. 

It suddenly hits me, this won't work. The whole world... My anger spikes as I quickly use magic to burn the blood away. Was this why the rain dance didn't work? I glance up to the sky with my mind filled with endless problems and solutions. 

More problems than solutions... I glance back to the hole with my mind racing. Magic clearly works in this world because I can use it but... but it's not the same. I lift my hand, pulling my magic to me with a frown on my face.

Was it because I made the hole? Maybe it has to be naturally made... the magic in this world is weak. If I could find something that was naturally made and around for a long time... I may be able to use it to get back. 

It's not that Magic doesn't work here... it just works differently and reacts with the things here slightly different. If I could find a way to awaken the magic here in this world... I bite my lip, deep in thought when I suddenly see a small potted tree in my face. 

I blink and look up to see the man in black was back. I feel my face drop as I bite out "What now?" His face remains blank and unbothered as he lifts the small tree out to me and says "You like them, right?" I frown in confusion before looking back to the little tree. 

I blink in surprise before looking back to him in suspicion and asking "This is for me?" He nods once and lifts it to me again. I slowly reach out and take it with confusion while saying "Thanks... I think. Why are you giving this to me?" 

His dark eyes lock onto my eyes before drifting down to my neck. He looks back up and says "I was wrong to suspect you. Did I hurt you?" I nearly drop the plant but I manage to keep holding it as I shake my head and mumble "You didn't use any strength. You just startled me..."

He nods again but when his eyes land on the bloody glass cup on the ground, he frowns at it before looking back to me in question. Was he angry? I can't help but smirk as I turn and walk off with the plant. 

I use my magic to dig a hole before placing the tree into it and covering it. I turn around to find him right behind me once again. I'm starting to think this is just the way he is... I sigh and walk around him as I say "I tried looking at your blood with my magic but I didn't get the results I was hoping for." 

I turn back to see the surprised look on his face. He must have thought I threw his blood out in a fit of rage. I come to a stop and use my magic to summon a light blue robe. I slip into it and say "You're not poisoned or anything at least. As for the reason you kill all the women you touch... That I'm not sure about. What have others told you?"

This time he doesn't look surprised at all. It was as if he expected as much. He takes a deep breath and says "They say my Yang energy is too strong." I look at him in confusion. Yang energy? I don't know anything about that... at all. I've heard about it in the human realm though.

When I feel something touch my cheek, I jerk back and lift a hand to push him away. I huff out in annoyance and ask "Why must you always touch things like a child!?" He frowns at me and says "I'm shocked by how soft a woman is. Are all women this soft or is it just you?" 

I feel my eye twitch again as I say "You little brat! Most women are softer than men. Stop touching me whenever you feel like it. It's rude!" His frown grows before he slightly smirks and says "You call me a brat but you are younger than I am."

This time I smirk as I turn to face him completely and say "Unless you're over a hundred and twenty, you aren't older than me." Okay, really I just made a hundred but I wasn't going to tell him that. His smirk freezes on his face before he looks me over again and says "Impossible" My smirk only grows as I lean in and whisper "With Magic... anything is possible."

I can feel my eyes shifting colors as I stare up at him but I'll give him credit. He doesn't shrink back in fear or even suck in. He just stares at them with wonder before asking "How long is your lifespan?"

I blink in surprise before leaning back and thinking. I turn back to him and shrug as I say "I really don't know but my Dad is super old so I don't think I have anything to worry about." The man in black frowns again before asking "You only have a father?" 

I sigh and say "No. I have a Mother, a Father, an aunt, and my older brother. Who are all going to kill me once they find me." The man's face transforms into a mask of rage and hatred as he bites out "That's no family. If they try to kill you, I will kill them all!"

I stare at him in shock. Did I... Did I hit a nerve? Did his family turn on him? I start to feel slightly guilty and decide to go easy on the guy. He doesn't even know me but he's willing to help me and protect me from my own family. 

Maybe he's just a socially awkward person... he did say he killed any woman he touches so he probably has no way of knowing how to properly act around one. I feel myself soften before saying "I didn't mean literally. They will be upset that I'm missing but will be relieved once I'm back. It was just a figure of speech. What's your name?"

His hostility eases a bit but he seems surprised that I still don't know his name. He sighs and says "Jinhai" I slightly smile at him and say "Nice to meet you, Jinhai. My name is Willow." His surprise blossoms into full shock before he awkwardly clears his throat and says "Yes... Nice to... meet you."

I give him a bright smile as I suddenly realize the guy just doesn't know how to properly interact with others. Jinhai's eyes shift to my lips before I see him freeze. He's like a young schoolboy. I step up to him and reach up to lightly tap his cheek and say "Just think of me as an older sister." 

His dark eyes stare at me in a daze before the cute and innocent moment is shattered. He moves so quickly, I don't even see it! He grabs my wrist and pulls me against him before wrapping his other hand around my waist and leaning in. 

I practically stop breathing as I lean as far back as possible but he doesn't seem bothered by it as he says "Older sister? Hah... I will never see you as my sister. You and I are man and woman." His eyes drift to the open robe showing my cleavage. 

I quickly lean forward but that puts us both face to face. His dark eyes seem endless like a dark pit but they were no longer cold. They held amusement and... lust?