Metal Lich chapter 6 side story FreeKing Dragon

"Boom! what wost that?" they have just finished killing the zombies, when they heard an explosion behind them. Then they walk to edge of the roof, and they could only see a cloud of smoke in front of a classroom that was just below that corner, what happened next was that a group of zombies began to gather down on the first floor below that corner, suddenly.

"Ding, Ding!" the Omnivaiz sounded with what they dismiss this explosion, front of them appear a blue screen that said:

"The auto squad sistem is on, all of you have gain 200 exp and the points of experience goin to split between you! please wait the results are loading" They relax when they see this message

They turned and saw that the death bodies of the zombies where disappearing and turning into treasure boxes and gold coin.

Ping Pump Poom! "They saw a bright light on each of them, they sighed, seeing that they were all human again, they had lost their transformation of Omnihuman.

They collected 300 gold coins and 7 treasure boxes.

When they opened the treasures boxes, they found skates with 2 mini rockets mounted on the sides of each skate.

Alex Wolf Ching (Voldemord) was a guy with round glasses, thin with a white skin, who had a shaved head, but with his Asian ancestry this gave him a slight air of Shaolin monge.

When Alex saw the contents of the box, he got nostalgic, seeing the rocket skates since these were very similar to the 2-wheel skates of an anime called:

"Air Gear of 2002, in which they had created a skates with a micro engine with the power of a 4-wheel vehicle".

This anime, was the reason why he learned to skate, about 5 years ago, when he was 15 years old, he learned about this anime, in a sports anime festival, where many people fell in love with this anime and started to build a skate similar to this, which was born a new sport, fusing the movements of the parkour disiplinar with the mobility of the skates, this skate as the sport was called Sk8 Hovers because with the skill devida it was possible that the user do something similar to fly.

Alex crouched while he remembered his adventures with the Sk8 Hovers with great joy, he picked up a pair of skates and was going to put them with what the Omnivaiz told him:

"Do you want to equip Sk8 Hovers level 1 'YES' or 'NO' Penalty can only be removed for 20 minutes and if you miss this time, will you suffer 5 pts of damage to your life per minute?"

"Remember that you have to think carefully about whether you should equip this equipment!" Said Peter Maxwell Thompson

Alex look at Peter that had tag on his head a that said:

"Peter Maxwell Thompson (Red Lightning)" the tag whenever a person becomes a human this thing shows the name of the person and in parentec the name of his alias, where as when the person is transformed in Omnihuman the tag only shows the alias.

Peter was a black guy who from a distance looked like Denzel Washington but with long hair, when he saw that Alex wanted to equip the Sk8 hover he said:

Alex listen to this said:

"Omnivaiz Show me the statistics of the Sk8 Hovers!"

In front of Alex appeared blue window that said:

"You'll win +1 horsepower, +20 agility + 300 mana, +5 balance, 15 Endurance, +15 reflex, +5 intelligence"

Everyone looked at the blue screen.

"Wow!" They all shouted, seeing the increase in mana so brutal they would get.

"Yes!" said Alex equipping the Sk8 Hover, since for a magician it was absolutely necessary to have a lot of mana available.

They all equipped the skates, with what they felt like entering their minds the necessary information to be able to handle these skates and while they saw how the skates were automatically adjusted at their feet.

With what they started practicing with skating on the roof of the building, they all had smiles on their faces as they enjoyed this new experience and momentarily forgot the nightmare they had just experienced.

Anyone who saw them from afar would think they were expert ice skating athletes, for all the tricks and acrobatics they did on the ground and in the air.

"Ding Ding Ding!" Sounded everyone's Omnivaiz and a screen appeared in front of them:

"Results status update completed, you want to see the result YES or NO?"

Anna Rogers (American Girl) She was a black-haired girl of common appearance and very serious look. She wore the military uniform of the university that was a gray petticoat, which was two fingers after the knees, which assented her good hips, with a white blouse covered with a gray color vest and a red tie, which balanced well with her proportional breasts.

She was the first to say YES, while everyone approached to see Anna's status, since they really only knew her alias of Omnihuman, she sat down so that others could see her states, while they remained standing behind of her, her states said:

Previous status:

Name: Anna Rogers Thurt (American Girl)

Sex: Female.

Age: 17

Level 1.

Race: Super Soldier.

Mana: 20 (100).

Strength: 10/35 (10).

Occupation: None

Title: None.

Agility: 15/25 (15).

Vitality: 10/20 (10)

Resistance: 10/20 (10).

Spirit: 15/25 (15).

Stamina: 10/25 (15).

Attack: 5-100.

Durability 0/100.

exp 0

prox 10

Weapon: Light frisbee.

Actual status:

Name: Anna Rogers Thurt (American Girl)

Sex: Female

17 years old

Level 2.

Height: 1.75 cm

Weight: 65 kg

Race: Super Soldier.

Intelligence: 15/15 (15).

Health 101 pts

Mana: 321 (401).

Strength: 41/66 (41).

Occupation: None

Title: None.

Agility: 26/46 (26).

Reflex: 16/16 (16)

Vitality: 11/21 (11)

Resistance: 11/21 (11).

Spirit: 16/26 (16).

Stamina: 26/31 (31).

Attack: 6-101

Durability 1/101.

exp 29 pts

prox 1 pts

Weapon and equipment:

> Light frisbee.

> Sk8hovers.

She saw that all her starting status seemed like buttons, she pressed on her age and discovered that it was the story of her life for years, so she closed it and jumped up to the Inteligecia button, since she assumed that probably status of her information staff talk about his personal life, with what appeared a new window that said:

"The more intelligence an individual has, the easier it is to solve problems in life or to execute complex processes, for example: Mathematical problem solving, important the general intelligence of the individuals, so that it is optimal must be 9 pts."

From there she press on Health boton this said:

"The points of life." It seemed to her that the meaning was clear with what she press Mana boton:

"Energy that covers the world, living beings accumulate inside their bodies to perform common activities, special abilities, powers or spells, consuming according to the power of the activity."

The following boton was force:

"With the new update of the Force load capacity is converted to drag capacity where an adult can generally drag maximum 400 kilograms, which equals 10 pts of force, where he has to subtract his current weight from the individual and mana he uses to move , which determines how much weight can be lifted. "

Alex said:

"If 400: 10 :: X: 66, x = 400 * 66/10 = 2640!"

"Ding Ding! New skill created by means of a specific action, as acquired the ability 'Mathematical Processing' with which you can calculate mathematical operations easier and faster, you have gained as a bonus: +1 pts of reflexes and +1 pts to intelligence . " He said his Omnivalis to his ears, this iso smile, what everyone thought he was happy by the discovery of the new force that saves possess.

Wow! it means that I can lift more or less 2 tons of weight. But then how much could we lift before the update? " said Anna.

Peter said:

"People could usually lift 170% of their weight, so if 10 pts is the standard force start of this nightmare, Anna's carrying capacity was ..."

Peter smiled and looked at Alex like he was a calculator. While he was waiting for Alex to give him the answer.

Alex sighed and said:

"170 * 65/100/10 = 11kg so she could lift 110 kg."

She continued with the attribute agility:

"It influences the ease and power to move, therefore increases the possibility of avoiding objects that suddenly appear on the road or attacks, the average agility of individuals is 10 pts."

The following w"Please calculate how much each point of vitality equals mana as a greeting" Finishing this with a nice Reflex:

"Reflexes are an involuntary response to a stimulus or the ability of a person to react quickly and efficiently, in other words the mind of the individual can process thoughts and react more quickly." The average reflexes of individuals are 5 pts


"For every point of vitality that you have, you will have more points of life (Health), so you can take more hits and energy (Mana) means you can keep do in more activities during the day" Anna looked at Alex and said:

Alex adjusted his glasses, blushing and said:

"From 29 to 20 pts of mana and 9 pts of health!" said Alex.

The resistance:

"The resistance is more resistant to damage, plus it allows you to fight for a longer time without you hitting it so fast.The average resistance of the individuals is 10 pts."

"Theoretically speaking every time we perform or execute an action we lose a resistance pts and maybe the more points of resistance we have, the longer our transformation of Omnihumans will last!" Said Peter.

"I think we'll have to go into a battle to find out if this is governed this way, it's like that, or not," Anna said.


"It is the one that governs our fighting and overcoming spirit, the more we have the faster we regenerate both health and mana.They do not regenerate until 5 seconds after losing life or use of mana."

"The question is how quickly do we recover mana with the spirit points we currently have!" Riley Mari Can(Alien Riplay) said.

"I do not know !, another thing that we should observe with the engine hot." Anna said.


"For each point that you have, it gives you resistance to pain, preventing you from receive paralyzing status, when receiving damage. The average resistance of the individuals is 10 pts, Example if for some reason we fall when we are skating, the more points you have of endurance less pain you will feel for the fall."

"This explains why we have new attributes and change the function of some attributes!" Said Peter.

"What do you mean?" Anna said.

"The new attributes are due to the skates that we just equipped, because if we did not have these new attributes we would not be able to use them without at least stumbling with the sk8hovers or killing ourselves with them at the first fall" Alex said.

"Ding Ding! New skill created by means of a specific action, the ability" Rational Thinking " has been created, you has won: +1 intelligence points, the Omnivaiz told him to his ears.

"Why do you say these skates are so dangerous?" Anna said annoyed to see that Alex smiled, she felt that he was making fun of her.

"Booom" They listened as everything around them moved.

"An earthquake!" Anna shouted suddenly her perspective changed angle while she could see the blue sky, to which she thought:

"What a beautiful blue sky, but why am I falling?" she felt this, at the same time as she felt like she was falling toward the floor, she rationed like a cat giving herself a turn, with what trying to fall on her hands and her skates but as the ground was still wagging, she lost control crashing against the ground, like all the others that tried to stabilize because of the lack of control provoked by the earthquake.

"Crack Crack crack" They heard the sound of cracks forming everywhere. With which the earthquake ended.

"Roar Roar Roar" heard this noise coming from the same place where they had heard an explosion a while a go, so they all came back to that corner crawling like babies, encountering the surprise that there was a huge white dragon with blue eyes watching inside the classroom that was under that corner.

While the one to the other they cover the mouths to avoid that they shout of the terror when seeing this colossus in the real life.

With what they observed that a huge crowd of zombies from the opposite corner was heading towards the dragon.

"The dragon looks like he's going to sneeze in that classroom!" Mai Lee (Xa Quiand) said in a whisper, while she saw the clear movement of inhaling air into the Dragon lungs.

"It's not like that, it's going to exhale fire!" Thomas Harley (Infernó) scream, this while simultaneously skating towards the opposite diagonal corner that the Dragon where found, he thought that probably all the zombies that were heading towards the dragon came from this side, so this area would probably be more clear of zombies.

He recognized this dragon attack, because it looked a lot like his super attack: 'Vomit of fire'.

In this corner they found the rubble of the emergency staircase, they saw that it was full of blood and some burnt bodies from the zombies, who received the Sun Goku's Zamenja, they looked down and could see other structures near the staircase where they could do scales until reaching the ground, so they could finally escape this place. Mai said while looking down:

"Are you're sure it's the only way out of here?"

"I'm sorry, unfortunately we are between a hard place and a dangerous situation!" Thomas responded, then he said:

"I'm sure that if we power up and become Omnihumans you'll feel better and you'll be able to make this jump like it's was nothing!

Thomas said:

"Inferno.....Aaaaaaaah" His body began to release flame, then a light layer of inea rock covered his body in the form of an armor, which instantly became red as lava. but he wore a green robe that automatically started burning with the appearance of the armor, with green flames that covered his entire body with what his fire went from red to green. Then Anna Rogers said:

"American Girl" Her hair went from being black to gold, her military uniform became long pants and blue long sleeves blouse with a red star on the back and a white one on the front, all these clothes were attached to her body making it look like a super model . But suddenly her hands began to glow with what appeared a frisbee of light in her hands with which he began to absorb the colors of her uniform becoming black with neon blue stripes, the disc disappeared from her hands and He appeared floating on his back. between his homoplates as if they were wings.

Riley said:

"Alien Replay!"

She wore a uniform similar to Anna's, although her petticoat was starting from half her thighs that looked very strong, she had a moderate hip compared to Anna's, but differently from the area of ​​Riley's blouse it was more bulky and her hair was long brown to the end of her back, making her very desirable for the guys. As long as they do not take into account the plasma cannon that is now rooted in her shoulder and pointing anywhere she is looking. But by saying her Omnihuman alias her uniform transform in a long pants and a black jean vest while her hair became short and black.

With which each one of then transformed to show Mai them support, for the idea of ​​Thomas so she transformed. Her military petticoat reach to her ankle-length, that compared to Anna and Ripley her physique was in the middle of these two girls, she became a girl who looked like a traditional asian girl with a red silk garment short to the middle of the legs and her hair turn from black to white.

Thomas look at her, smile and said:

"Come on I'll help you, we need get out of here !"

They took impulse run down the stairs and finally jumped to freedom.