Ghost in the Sheld

For a moment Kenishi was in the dark, suddenly his vision could see light, below him there were yellow clouds and above him was the entrance of this world. Where he can see the silhouette of Doom Mew and Hadouken, as if he were underwater. He felt that he was falling at high speed, as he was going through clouds.


I looked everywhere and realized that The Naked boy with the Golden eyes was still holding my tail. But he didn't have a worried face, he seemed to be enjoying the fall.

I looked up and promised myself that somehow, I would get out of here and take revenge on my sisters.

A few seconds later, we pierced the clouds, and I could see that this world was full of labyrinths, some lock very claustrophobic. While other was very huge, so much so that looked more like cities. In some places I could see bodies of water. That at times they looked like a lake and other like a sea.

I decided to try to copy all the abilities of the Golden eyes naked boy, perhaps among them there was one that allowed him to fly or land softly. I come to this conclusion by seeing how calm he was, will we was free falling.

"Copy Skill!!" I Think.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Ping ... you copy the skill Geomancer! with this ability you can manipulate the earth in any way you want" The Ominivaiz told me.

How lucky I have been, my ability has worked the first time. However, I felt a pressure that began to deform my tail. It was strange to feel the sensation and not feel pain. The Naked boy changed the shape of my tail that looked like the tail of the electric rat from the tv series of pocket monsters. To a thing that looked like the crossing of a hook with a Scythe. This thing he did to my tail was sudden. I looked at him, when my eyes met his, he said:

"Who has given you permission to take from my essence?" I tried to say something….

"Shut up!" he said interrupting me

"My God told me, that you were going, in the beginner area of the Omnihumans. However, since you love my essence so much, you will have to walk my path. Before I met my lord!" He said. While points to the west. Most probably the town of the Omnihumans was at that direction.

Then he throws me to the east.

A few moments later, I was traveling at high speed, approaching a green jungle. I crashed into the treetop, with what my tail acted like a kind of parachute, hooking between the branches and slowing down my fall.

When the Naked boy changed the shape of my tail, I thought he wanted to make me suffer, but apparently his plan throws me away from the city of the Omnihumans. for me to crashed on the jungle branches, since the beginning.

"Boom crack!" I crashed to the jungle floor and fell into a jail cell.

My body was messed up, my tail was lying next to mi and my jute bag mask was lying on the other side. I felt an intense pain as if all my bones had been broken. The I remembered that I had no bones, but the pain i felt was real, my jute bag was more like an exoskeleton Then I try to get up suddenly I hear:

"Crack, crack crack!" The floor under me cracks open.

"Aaaah!" I fell.

When I opened my eyes, I was approximately 20 meters deeper underground, above my head I could barely see the light of day.

"If I can look up, I can get up. I have combat power in me!" I told myself, while remembering Les Brown the speaker, from the Les Brown Show from 1993. Instantly this memory came with another memory of me, when I was a child, my father used to tie me, to a chair in front of a monitor where I could see this man's shows. This was my punishment if I misbehaved or did not get good grades. If I ever fell asleep one, my dad would whip me on my back. So, I remembered that my dad, that from very far looks like Cypher Raige from the movie After Earth from 2013. A tough guy with a worried look and lots of responsibilities. But when he punished me, I could see that he was doing it for my good.

"Ding! you remembered 100 Megabytes from 60 Terabytes of your live memories, you win 5 points of wisdom and 5 points of resistance.

I was amazed seeing these memories; when suddenly I see 3 energy bars, that they were vibrating in red, in a corner of my vision, they said:

"10% of my live, 5% of force field and 1% of light as a feather field point. This means that all my fields had absorbed the damage from the fall, and I almost died.

A few minutes after calming down. I look at the walls, they were geometric gray and black blocks. It seems that this place had been abandoned long ago. This place was full of mud and water that fall from the ceiling.

When I got up, I saw that my body is made of a black cloud that was slowly dissipating.

I imagined that the jute bag surely protected my gassy form and did not allow it to escape.

However, in this form it was much larger technically it was the height of an average human. But I couldn't stay like this, but I also didn't want to return to my digital monster form, so remembering the form of the golden-eyed boy, I decided to use mud and create a body with my geomancer ability.

But I found a problem I couldn't move this body and I still had to solve the problem of my life, so I decided to look at my state while thinking how to solve these problems:


Name: Kenishi Wells.

Alias: Metal Lich.

General Status: Cursed+.

Level: 0.

Color: Silver. Brown, black.

Drag speed: 400 kilograms.

Occupation: Garbage collector.

Title: Truck Vagonet.

Race: Digital Creature.

Force field: 29/100 pts. Light as a feather field: 5/100 pts.

Health: 21/209.

Mana: 20/20 (111) pts.

Height: 0.4 m.

Width: 49 cm.

Weight: 50 kg.

Biomass: 24 g.

Intelligence: 14 pts.

Wisdom: 5 pts.

Strength: 28/28. (18) pts.

Energy: 19/19 pts.

Spirit: 13/13 (56) pts.

Agility: 15/15 (38) pts.

Vitality: 19/19 (57) pts.

Stamina: 19/19 (57) pts.

Resistance: 15/15 (108) pts.

Attack: 6-252 pts.

Regeneration: 51/51 (38) pts.

Durability: 50/50 pts.

Accumulated points: 0 pts.

Ext: 0 pts.

Next Level: 102 pts.

Ext Biomass: 0 g.

Next Level Biomass: 112,952 kg.


Copy Skills. Frankenstein Body. The ability Endless stomach (Curse) Level 0 (13% + strength). Wells United + Bonus of 10% status points. Change Shape (Robot Primate to Truck Wagon). Can use any type of technology of any origin. Cannot create magic spells (Misleplick Curse). Geomancer


Spell List:


Ghost in the Sheld.

Rise Rice Exterminator.


I started looking down the list and I notice that force field and lightweight as a feather field. They were integrated to my normal status, I still wonder how long it will take to fill them up, again or if I can fill them with the regeneration points, however I decided to put 20 points, in life points, and try to put 20 in the force field.

The test was successful, then I felt relieved. Then I notice a plus sign, next to Curse general status...

I go to my skill list; I see that I have new curse from Misleplick.

Then I go to Frankenstein Body, and I reminded that I uses it, to get the body of Primate Robot. Mentally I touched label of this to see the description and it said:

"Connect to a new body and make it your own!" Just what I needed. Then I said:

"Frankenstein Body!" From my gas cloud came mechanical tentacles that spread throughout this body of mud and became their joints. veins and metal bones. Which meant that the bottom of my being still existed that murderous machine, despite being a Digital creature!

I blink and once again, I noticed that I was in my dark room, then I saw my quick status that said:


Health: 19/209 pts. Mana: 20/20 pts. Energy: 0/19 pts. Regeneration: 11/51 pts. Force field: 29/100 pts.…"

He saw that his energy was at 0 which would explain why his body is more human than the last time, that he used the ability.

I had levers and keyboard to control this mechanical body. But just thinking that I would have to learn to walk from scratch, I feel terrified.

I know I already had a way to do it, but I didn't remember how but I was sure that the way should be among my spells I check my spells.

A few seconds later I found the spell that I needed, then I said:

"Thank you, God, for not taking this spell away from me!" Then I said:

"Ghost in the Sheld!" With what the vision of the world changed, and I could see from the eye socket of this new body.