Upon entering the entrance of the right from the big hall that have the water fountain, I discovered that the sounds I was hearing around me increased by 50% and now I could smell, humidity, dust and the smell of other animals in the cave. The world sounded different and now I could smell it. Which meant that the fusion with the bat had made me more organic.
I just flew past the door of this hallway that was the same as the one of the Bat monsters, destroyed some time ago. This hallway was as dark as the one before, but it seemed I didn't need the flashlights anymore.
At the end of this hall there was no door. When I crossed the door frame, I found a brick wall, so I stop flying forward, then I flap my wings to keep me floating as I stared at the wall.
The darkness around me was in shades of red tones, which made me wonder why when they built the Terminators in the movie of 1984, they didn't build them with vision in blue or green tones.
"Why did it have to be red?" I asked myself.
I looked to my left I saw a gap of about 5 meters and the other side of it, several small white bodies clustered next to each other on the wall and the ceiling. Taking a closer look, I determine that these were a bat colony, and it seemed that they were asleep. What meaning recently dawned. But here it was dark. I put all my attention to see if I saw anything else relevant, then my vision returns to normal.
"What was that?" I asked myself. Suddenly, realizing that a second ago things look clear as day. I did not know how I had done to see everything clear as day, so I decided to forget it until this phenomenon happened to me a couple of times more to study it.
Anyway, taking advantage of the fact that I had an idea about the time that it was, I thought to add the time in my vision, to keep track of the time, in the corner of my view. Then I saw that my stamina bar in my vision, suddenly started blinking red, so I decided to land.
Then I remembered when crossed the corridor, took me almost 45 minutes or maybe more, because of my heavy metal tail, that I obtained the first time I evolved into a digital creature. This was because I could only fly effectively 5 minutes, since it took me almost 5 minutes to rise half a meter off the ground, then I would fly 5 minutes and then it takes another 5 to land. But the first time I flew a meter off the ground I crashed after flying for 14 minutes. This happened to me after I discovered that if I didn't do it that way, when my stamina ran out, I would automatically stop flapping my wings and my body would fall to the ground like a dead weight. The saddest thing is that anyone would think that flying 5 minutes is a great distance, but anyone who had the misfortune to see me flying in my first flight levels would think that a turtle was flying.
Although at this point, I have reached level 5 in flight skill, my tail is mine small deadlift weight, because hung below me like the tail of a kite, causing me difficulty in flying. But although this was bad, this had caused me to reach level 5 of flight in no time.
Having this cat tail has not been so bad since thanks to it I learned the Jump Fly skill, which allows me to jump a meter high, with what I can start flying with a jump, leaving my tail suspended a few centimeters from the ground without having to spend much stamina to take off.
I look at my stamina bar, again I had consumed 89% of the mana, I take 5 points from my regeneration points to stop seeing the blink of the stamina bar. Then I see under my stamina bar, another bar that was flashing red, but it said:
"Night Vision: 0/2 pts."
"Wow, now I have Night vision!" I think, but when I saw that I only had 2 points, I looked up and said:
"You're a damn, miserable one! "
There was nothing to do but add accumulated points or expect it to rise naturally.
I looked to my right, and I saw that the corridor stretched out to the sides allowing up to 6 people to pass side by side without problems. However, I notice close to the wall in this sector did not have bricks covering the rock walls.
Knowing that the bats were sleeping I decided to walk around a bit, while waiting for my stamina to fill up, which means I didn't have to fear that bats would attack me from behind. They are the reason why all this time I was flying. Also, I didn't want to drag my tail on the floor, making noise that could attract the bats to me.
When I took my first step something funny happened my tail tightened and stood parallel to my back. If I had known that my tail had a bit of intelligence, perhaps at this moment my ability to fly would not be level 5. So, I sighed and started walking.
I took a few steps and realized that I was walking very strange, I observe how I was walking, and I realized that I was walking like a Penguin, because half of my body moved forward with the foot that moved, which made me feel like I was swinging forward, on the side that was moving, while the other foot was left behind, to support the body and what was repeated by doing the same opposite movement to advance with the other foot, what was certainly inefficient. Seeing that it was slower walking, I decided to evolve, and go back to my bat shape when my stamina was full
Then I looked again at my list of evolutions:
1. Epsilon level, Evolution name Cyborg, to evolve use the evolve command and the name of the evolution:
This is your basic form, a creature made up of organic elements and cybernetic devices.
2. Delta level, Evolution name Rice Exterminator to evolve use the evolve command and the name of the evolution:
You belong to a race of robotics capable of transforming into a vehicle, that at the same time has a Primate form and that you were designed to exterminate anything in your way.
3. Gamma level, Current Evolution, name Digital Creature, to evolve use the evolve command and the name of the evolution:
Imitation of electric rat or pocket monster that fused with a parasitic bat.
4. Beta level, evolution name Digital man, to evolve use the evolve command and the name of the evolution:
Mud man made with your own hands, almost perfect.
5. Verum level, Evolution name Digivolt, but it is also a command to evolve, to evolve use the evolve command and the name of the evolution:
If you need a good evolution from my point of view you can use this, it's a random evolution, however if it is very powerful, I will classify it among any of your categories or subcategories.
6. Defecit level, Evolution name Digibolt but it is also a command to evolve, to evolve use the evolve command and the name of the evolution:
It is an evolution with serious defects, of the correct form of the transformation, to activate it, you say the keyword of this transformation and the name of any evolution.
Note: Hi, I left you some new evolutions. Entertain me more, with affection:
Misleplick had not only added night vision to my system, but he had also added some new level or evolution to my evolutions list. When I saw the names of the new evolutions, my mouth opened wide enough to fit an ostrich egg.
"What's wrong with that guy's head!" I said.
He converted the conversion commands that Hadouken taught me, into evolution states.
Verum level evolution did not sound so bad, but I was worried that accidentally with its twisted mind it would give me an evolution in which it ended as Trubbish or Garbodor from Pokémon Black and White, from 2011.
The Defecit level evolution, when I saw the description, I knew that the transformation if I use it, would surely be some kind of vulgar or misspell. Which brings me to the next point:
"If I had evolved well, they would make the same decision to betray me or that was their plan from the start?"
"However, the milk has been spilled, and all that is left is a revenge dish that is served cold"
Putting that aside, I look one more time at my evolutions and I put a huge X to Digibolt.
I looked forward and saw that the space was very wide, so I decided on Rice Exterminator, because this form could be converted into a vehicle. So, I said:
"Digivolt to Rice Exterminator!"
Then the song of Digimon Adventure from 1999 the "Brave Heart (Digievolución)" from Ayumi Miyazaki, I started to feel fuzzy inside, and very excited, suddenly the song stopped, and alert bells started ringing.
"Ding, ding!" For this transformation you need, 56% steel, 9% plastic, 7% glass, 9% conductive metal, 10% rubber or similar materials of the weight of the transformation!" My Omnivaiz told me.
"What?! What does that mean?" I said.
"It means to convert or evolve you need to have the components or materials in your inventory to create the transformation!" My Omnivaiz said.
"What do I need to transform into Digital man, Cyborg, Digibolt or Digivolt?" I said.
For Digital man you need: 57 kilograms of dust or dirt!
For Cyborg you need 80% of biological material 20% of cyber objects.
For Digibolt at least 10% of the previous requirements, for the other evolutions.
For Digivolt you don't need anything, all the materials stored in your inventory will be used.
Therefore, the available evolutions are:
Cyborg, Digibolt and Digivolt
…" My Omnivaiz said
I tried to think about what was in my inventory, but the truth, I did not remember what was there. I opened it to see what was inside there:
Poker body in pieces
Yute bag cover
Queen Phone Bot
40 zombie bodies
50 kg wood pulp
25 kg metal chip
royal crown key
skeleton body
50 torches
5 jugs
I blinked a few times when looking at the contents of my inventory, and what I visualized, was a kind of pink "Not Dead" evolution with a crown of cravings on my head. What was a big "NO!" to Digivolt Evolution.
Which means 2 possible evolutions remain. However, it seemed suspicious that I could become a Cyborg, I did not want to believe that the organic material, that he was referring was the body of the zombies; and I only had a cell phone that would be the closest thing to an electrical device. So, I asked:
"What biological material and cybernetic elements do you going to use for the transformation?"
"The cyber material would come from the Poker body and Queen Phone Bot and the biological material of the 40 zombie bodies!" My Omnivaiz said.
"Before being used these materials were purified to be combined into my new body. I ask this because the body of the zombie was contaminated with the zombie virus, and who knows what malicious code or back door was in the cell phone.
"The user must ensure the cleaning and purification of any items that he keeps in his virtual inventory!" My Omnivaiz said.
"So, my items are scrambled, and they are dirtying each other?" I asked
"No! Each of the articles are separated from each other, in order and frozen in time, so that they do not spoil or get damaged!" My Omnivaiz said. Hearing this I was relieved, but at the same time discouraged.
"Wait if that is so! How can I transform into "Digital Creature" recently? I said.
"You can only pre-evolve in case of imminent death, while you have pre-evolutions!" My Omnivaiz said.
"Shit!" Another bad joke from that bastard!" I said.
Surely, he expected me to make a silk bag out of a pig's ear, what was just frustrating or rather impossible.
So, I sigh, started walking, when I suddenly lost my balance, I drop face force to the ground, and since I had no arms, I closed my eyes waiting for my unspeakable encounter with the ground.
I Wait a while, but nothing happened, I open my eyes and what I saw surprised me, I noticed that my face was some inches from the ground.
I looked to my sides to see what was holding me, They were my wings, they have been arranged in such a way that it looked like long arms, they end in claws that allow me to touch the ground, as if they were legs, while the skin of the wings remained attached to the body as long as they were not extended. It reminded me of the position in which gorillas walk on 4 legs, however the trailing legs were erect in the position like that which a person would have when riding a horse.
I try to walk, then run in this position and I felt quite comfortable. The interesting thing when I was running was that my body was very close to the ground like a sports car.
I move fast forward inside this place, for a long time, to my surprise I could see my surroundings very detail despite how fast it was going, so I noticed the walls seemed made of chisel, shovels and picks hit.
Suddenly I saw a huge metal box with wheels. It was embedded against a wall, while in the middle of the cave there were rails for a train. I stop running and I walked toward it.
I approached the metal box with wheels then I jumped and fly over it, I saw that this was a mining cart, and it was full of some silver rocks, a pick, a shovel, a chisel and a 20-pound mallet.
"A complete mining equipment!" I think. So, I land again I did not know what I will do with this. But for us men having tools was important, so I put it in my inventory.
I was surprised, there was a huge centipede underneath the mining cart which, seeing that its hiding place disappeared, was not very happy to see me.
The damned bug lunged at me, and I jumped up from my shock, suspending myself in midair. However, this was bad for the centipede, he crashed squarely against my tail, knocked unconscious.
"Ding! You have learned the skill Tail of confusion! Any enemy you hit or crash with your tail will lose consciousness" My Omnivaiz said.
I Without thinking landed on him and I said:
"Copy Skill!" I was happy about the new skill, but I had to hurry up and take advantage of the moment…
"5,4,3,2,1. Ping… you copy the ability Destructive stab! If you manage to attack your first, with your claws or a sharp pointed object, he will surely die! You have learned your second active skill. " The Omnivaiz told me.
"Wow! What is an active skill? What is my first active skill?" I said.
An active ability they are abilities that do not need a command to be active!"
Your first active ability is ... Error ...…Ping, ping, ping…!! Sorry, there is a bug in the magic and skills database. Right now, I going to index, and classify the Skills and Magic. This will take a while, when this is ready, you will be notified.
At the moment you can continue your activities.!" The Omnivaiz told me. Hearing this I felt that the Omnivaiz, had his own personality.
There was no other option but to wait so I looked at the centipede, he was a very dangerous enemy so at the moment, I was tempted to test the skill, but it was the first time, I could take the time to copy a creature's abilities in a long time.
"Copy Skill!" I said.
"5,4,3,2,1. Ping… Your ability has failed, in 60 seconds your ability will be available!" The Omnivaiz said.
I was standing on the centipede, and I flew forward to see the damage my tail had done to it. In the middle of the eyes, he had a 2-finger deep cleft, and his skull was broken in that area, so it was possible that my iron tail had touched his brain, in the best-case brain death. I went back to his back wait a moment more and said:
"Copy Skill!"
"5,4,3,2,1. Ping… you copy the ability Spirit shapeshifters! You can transform your form into a creature compatible with your body at random!" The Omnivaiz told me. The skill sounded very interesting, but I'd have to find a safe place to prove it.
I felt the centipede start to move, I decided to take out the mining car and put it on to his head, again to make him feel that the meeting with me it was his imagination, if he had one. For me to continue copying his skills.
I open my inventory then search for the metal box with wheels, the description said:
"U type mining cart, that to empty its contents, turned to one side, it had a total height of 0.81 m, width 1.52 m and weight of 475 kg." Which means I had to have about 476,000 g of drag speed to move it. But I only currently had 400 kg of drag speed, although that was less my body weight and my total equipment if I have any. So, the only option I had was to fly over his head and drop the car on him.
"Bam! ... Crack!"
"-200 point of damage, Overkill!" My Omnivaiz said. Unfortunately for me, when the car left my inventory, it fell on him, crushing his head.
"Ding! You have killed a giant centipede level 10!" My Omnivaiz said.
"Ding you have earned 100 pts of experience!" My Omnivaiz said.
I shook my head while thinking:
This was not the idea! This was not the idea!" I sigh, calming my emotions, I put the mining cart back in my inventory, to devour the centipede.
When I removed the car from above the body started to writhe and a pasty liquid was coming out of it. This liquid smelled delicious, so I flew quickly to the monster's neck connected to the neck of the monster. I open my mouth so big that you can put the head of a child of 5 years old on my mouth.
"Puak puak!" Disgusting, it had a bitter taste, it had a flavor and texture very similar to aloe leaves.
I was going to spit the liquid out of my mouth when I heard a notification:
"Ding you have gained 2 points of Natural cells of evolution! Your body has entered the cultivation system of the Universe to become God! You have become Midgardr Manna!" My Omnivaiz told me.
My mouth opened wide, while I tried to say 'What', while the bitter liquid continued to enter my mouth.
"Caff, caff!" I cough, I almost drowned with the damn liquid, then without thinking about it I threw the body of the centipede in my inventory and said:
"What is the Cultivation system of the Universe, to become God?"
"It is the system of the universe that allows all living beings to increase their energy, and their physical capacities. Therefore, they clean their cells, their bodies and evolve through this cultivation system, to become a God.!" My Omnivaiz Told me.
"Wow!" I said, never in my wildest dreams imagine that I could become a God.
"What is a Midgardr Manna?" I said.
"Midgardr Manna level means man created by the universe; it is the first common level of all living beings in this Universe to evolve to God!" My Omnivaiz Told me.
"How many levels are there and how natural evolution points benefit me?" I said.
They are 8 levels:
1 Midgardr Manna Level= Universe dust level.
2 Tamer Level= Common Level.
3 Champion Level = Special Level.
4 Ultra Level = Rare Level.
5 Gold core Level = Epic Level.
6 Demigod Level = Legendary Level.
7 Shinigami Level = Elemental Level.
8 Dios Level = God Level.
Each level has 5 basic cells that are:
1 Natural Evolution
2 Hybrid Evolution
3 Mutant Evolution
4 Sacred Evolution
5 Super Evolution
Which are equivalent to vitality, resistance, defense, spirit and strength. Respectively.
Which means that you will not be able to use accumulated points, to increase those statuses and you will have to devour different creatures to obtain evolution cells.
However, by accumulating one hundred points in all the basic categories you will have the option to evolve to the next level of evolution after passing a Tribulation of the Universe.
If you pass the tribulation, you'll get double those attributes, but if they fail if you're still alive you would have to start from 0.
…" My Omnivaiz said.
"If you're still alive! What does this mean?" I ask.