Eagle Eyes

Their journey was uneventful as this group of seven soldiers almost successfully arrived at their destination without any mishaps.

Within their sight was a five meter tall wall made out of galvanized steel roof, wooden planks and whatnot including even large wheels and tires with barbed wires on top with a single watchtower at the gate.

The two sentries at the gate immediately saw the approaching group and their countenance immediately turned serious as they loaded their guns and pointed it towards the incoming group of armed people as they also yelled behind them and some reinforcement immediately came atop the walls and looked cautiously at the approaching group of armed men. This people are actually soldiers but their weapons seemingly suffered a drop in quality as almost of them are using old bolt action rifles while some are even using crossbows.

Then, then the seven Delta Force soldiers immediately came onto a screeching halt as they stopped a few yards away from the wall.