The Jungle

Alvi and Martha was surrounded by blinding white light. Before they know what is happening they were surrounded by green luscious trees. They were holding each other's hand. When they saw it they became red and quickly let go of each other. They were wondering where they were when suddenly Alvi heard a mechanical voice.

[Ding host found. Observation system want to be bound to the host. Confirm = Y/N]

Yes. It's about time it came here. Go ahead and merge with me system.

[Confirmation received. Merging start.













Merging completed. Welcome host to the observation system.]

System do you have a name?

[No host I do not have a name. You can give me any name you want]

Okay how about Liza, do you like it

[Yes, perfect host. I love it. The Supreme God has given you a starter pack as a gift. You also have gift from me for successfully naming me]

Sweet. Before opening them show me my status.

[ Host = Alvi Rafid

Race = Mixed Blood

Title = "One who merged with every powerful blood",

" One who took Goddess of reincarnation as a wife", "One who amused The GOD OF ALL". "Goddes of Wars blessing", "Son-in-law of God of All".

Cultivation =Mortal (Did not start yet)

QI = 10 (all people has some Qi. Even Mortal has Qi)

Mission = none as of now.

Shop = locked.

OP (Observation Point) = 0]

Sweet. Open the gift packs after I am done talking with my wife. Alvi turned to Martha and gave the sweetest smile he can towards her. Martha started blushing seeing the dazzling smile of her husband. " Martha darling I was talking with my system. It seems like the God of all took a liking to me and gave us blessing." Martha was shocked hearing that. She knew that God Of All did not give out blessing that easily. She was happy seeing that God of all agreed to their marriage so no one can do anything to them. She smiled towards her husband and said" Good honey. Now no god can oppose our wedding." She also added "Dad gave us blessing now no one will dare to oppose us." Hearing his wife he was shocked thinking that the God of All is his Father in law. " You are saying God of All is your father?" She nodded and said "Yes. And Goddes of War is my Mother." I was shocked and happy at the same time. " As a way of showing our gratitude we should hurry up and give them a lot of Grandchildrens right." She blushed and said "Not now we should make babies when you reach peak of Demi God realm." Alvi said "Okay. It seems like you do not love me anymore" saying that while fake crying. Martha panicked seeing her beloved crying. She said" Don't cry it's not like I don't love you but we can't have kids before that because I am a God and I can not have kid with a mortal who didn't reach immortality yet." Alvi laughed and said" I know I was just teasing you. But it seems like I have a very loving wife. Who is concerned about her husbands health. Don't worry I will reach peak of demigod in no time. Then we will have 11 children together." To which Martha blushed and said" Okay" in a voice of mosquito. To which Alvi laughed and hugged her seeing this cute side of her. Martha was surprised at first but hugged him back. Five minutes later they separated and Alvi said they should look for a shelter seeing it is turning dark now. To which Martha agreed but became sad and started missing his warmth. Seeing that Alvi smiled and said "Don't worry we will have nightly activities after setting it up. You said you can't have children but you never said you can't have honeymoon of our wedding right?" Martha blushed and nodded. So they started to setting up the camp.