I was waiting for Martha when I heard rustling sound. I turned around to see Martha waking up. She looked really cute. She was looking around, when she finally saw me she ran up to me and hugged me tight. She said "Good morning darling." When I saw how cute she looked I could not contain myself and kissed her. She was surprised at first but she kissed me back. She said "Yesterday was wonderful. I had the best sleep after a long time. The food was delicious too." To which I said "Thanks wife. I am glad you liked it. I decided I am going to cook all of our food from now on." Her reply was " Okay. Honestly speaking I am not as good as a cook as you. But I think you should let me cook once in a while." I smiled and said " Okay. Now dress up the breakfast is ready." She nodded and went to get ready. I asked Liza "Liza can you tell me is there any safe place where I can cultivate peacefully and it is near to the closest town?

[Sure host. 1500 metre east from here there is a abandoned cave. It is close to drimgar town. It is safe because it was a former den of now dead earth dragon. Which also happens to be the strongest fierce beast out here. So no beast goes there since nobody knows that earth dragon is dead.]

Nice. I told Martha about our conversation. She was happy to hear she won't have to sleep out in the open anymore. She quickly got ready and packed everything in her spatial ring. She literally dragged me to the cave.


My name us Martha. I am GOD of reincarnation. I never had any relationship with anyone my whole life. I thought I would never get married. That was my thought process until I met him. The moment I saw him I fell in love. He was perfect. He had every quality I wanted my life partner to have. He was ambitious, thoughtful and kind. I was really happy when he wanted me to be his wife. Truth to be told if he didn't ask me I would have stalked him until he accepted me.But I am glad it didn't come to that. We had our first time together. At first it was painful but I got used to it thanks to him being thoughtful of me. I never knew having one you love inside of you could feel so heavenly. I got obsessed with him more after this. When I heard his system AI was a girl I was kind of jealous. But I got over it seeing how much he loves me and how heavenly his cooking was. It was in one word heavenly tasting. Even our chef GOD of cooking is nothing in front of him. Ah how glad I was to hear I don't have to sleep in the open. I was mainly glad I can be more intimate with him without needing vigilant all the time. I can't wait to sleep with him again. I am glad my parents accepted our marriage. Or else I don't know what I would have done. But I am pretty sure he would have figure out something.